floor trading

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floor trading

(Stock Exchange) trading by personal contact on the floor of a market or exchange. Compare screen trading
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Algorithmic high-speed supercomputing has replaced traditional floor trading and human market makers, while centralized exchanges that once ensured fairness and transparency have fragmented into a dizzying array of competing exchanges and trading platforms.
The inn, based on the busy A68 between the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Northumberland National Park, has substantial ground floor trading space with a traditional bar, games room and separate dining room, providing room for more than 100 diners.
Khushi Indian Buffet Cumberland Road, Linthorpe Price: PS575,000 "The ground floor trading area consists of bar servery and restaurant seating for 130 covers, with capacity for up to 150.
Bertrand Wilmington, head of the derivative trading desk of a global bank, has fallen from a window of the twenty-second floor trading room, and Henry Chang is somehow involved.
Through its educational training which combines case studies with on-the-ground applications, the workshop offers a mechanism that enables attendees to gain valuable knowledge and information about floor trading systems around the world as well as introducing them to electronic markets by connecting them to cross-border networks.
The contract jumped $2.00 to close at $60.14 a barrel in Nymex floor trading on Tuesday after an Energy Department monthly report predicted a decline in U.S.
floor trading was closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Floor trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange is closed on Monday for the US Presidents Day holiday.
Floor trading was closed on January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr.
24, on the Fed's policy statement, which was released shortly after Comex floor trading closed for the day.
The exit of Barclays Plc (LSE: BARC) from floor trading at the London Metal Exchange (LME) is not expected to affect operations at the bourse.
"The New York market's decision to suspend physical floor trading because of the hurricane has also helped the wait-and-see mood prevail on the Tokyo bourse."