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a type of floppy disk invented in 1991, which combines optical and magnetic technology in order to produce greater storage density
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Think of it as a floptical delusion, like an optical illusion but real.
Like 3.5-inch MO or the MD minidisk, or the 20MB Floptical. All of them were technological breakthroughs--and none of them was able to define or stimulate a mass market.
Such mediums, as a Random House contract puts it, "shall include, but not be limited to, electronic, magnetic, digital, optical and laser-based information storage and retrieval systems, floppy diskette-based software, CDROM, interactive software and compact discs, floptical disks, ROM Card, silicon chip, on-line electronic or satellite-based data transmission and other such systems, and any other device or medium for electronic reproduction, publication, distribution or transmission, whether now or hereafter known or developed." [Emphasis added.] In this, one can practically hear not just the desperation but also the despair of publishers who fear that a form unknown may leave them in control of nothing but today's texts.
Floptica 20/m, floptical drive LANForce Series, RAID disk-array subsystems up to one terrabyte ATOM-AT Thinkpad hard drives & 2.5" hard disks for Compaq, Toshiba & Apple laptops
In a pilot program, Boyington copied technical schematics for tracking stations on floptical disks readable by pen computers from NCR Computer Corp.
They demonstrated their "floptical" disk, on which they record magnetically, but position the readwrite head optically.
Removable storage options include SyQuest cartridges, Bernoulli disks and Floptical discs.