

(Pop Music) a dance recording that is so catchy and popular that everyone in the place where it is played wants to dance
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DJ Dub lists tracks by Ed Sheeran, House Of Pain and Justin Timberlake as popular, with Reel 2 Reel's I Like To Move It a guaranteed floor-filler.
Directed by Christopher Luscombe, the show features all of the famous musical numbers which have it such a huge hit for more than four decades, including the timeless floor-filler The Time-Warp.
Directed by Christopher Luscombe, the smash-hit show features all the famous musical numbers which have made The Rocky Horror Show such a huge hit for over four decades, including Sweet Transvestite, Science Fiction/Double Feature, Dammit Janet and floor-filler, The Time-Warp.
Promising a nailed-on party, the show famously combines science-fiction, horror, comedy and music with classics including Science Fiction/Double Feature, Dammit Janet and of course, timeless floor-filler, The Time-Warp.
Snap members Penny Ford and Jesse Kolb said: "Electric Ireland were looking for the ultimate floor-filler to close their Throwback Party on Sunday night at Electric Picnic.
Apparently the singer hasn't finished anything yet but I've got a rough idea what it is going to sound like - an energetic and upbeat floor-filler. Only joking.
Strutting their stuff in multicoloured costumes to Peaches & Herb's 1978 floor-filler Shake Your Groove Thing, the tiny troupe's high-energy routine turned the ever-tetchy pop svengali's usual frown upside down and saw them through to the next round with four 'yeses'.
Ever gracious for her success, Rita thanks the sell-out crowd for 'making this my first number one' launching into the DJ Fresh floor-filler Hot Right Now.
Rita thanks the sell-out crowd for "making this my first number one" before launching into the DJ Fresh floor-filler Hot Right Now.
The musical extravaganza will feature all of its famous musical classics including the timeless floor-filler, The Time-Warp.
Dance 4 Me contains some funky music with naughty lyrics like "I like it when you shake everything you've got" and some big floor-filler remixes.