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 (flôr′klôth′, -klŏth′)
A piece of canvas that has been primed, decorated, and varnished and is used as a floor covering.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a cloth or rag for cleaning a floor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈflɔːˌklɒθ] nstraccio per il pavimento
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
This avenging phantom was ordered to be on duty at eight on Tuesday morning in the hall (it was two feet square, as charged for floorcloth), and Herbert suggested certain things for breakfast that he thought Joe would like.
The white letters of the inscription were extremely white and extremely strong to the sense of smell, the complexion of the tables and chairs was (like Lady Tippins's) a little too blooming to be believed in, and the carpets and floorcloth seemed to rush at the beholder's face in the unusual prominency of their patterns.
Dark drops fell on the floorcloth one after another, with a sound of ticking growing fast and furious like the pulse of an insane clock.
The move by Stirling Floorcloth Company Ltd - manufacturers of felt-based floor covering - was expected to result in a "substantial increase" in staff at its Abbey Road works.
Bungalow Flooring recently added FlorArt, a group of floorcloth and tile designs that replicate designs going back to the 1800s.
And fourth great-grandfather Thomas Coombs was a floorcloth maker.
Speaking Russian through an interpreter, she said: "I was furious with him because I had given him a lovely child, I had been a good wife to him and I did not deserve to be treated like a floorcloth."
Before you begin, set up a work space where you can leave the floorcloth to dry undisturbed for several hours.
The factory started as a relatively small concern in the late 19th century, manufacturing floorcloth and drawing on the availability of the hessian manufactured in Dundee, a city long-associated with textiles.
The world through which she progressed was one of fire and coal: Painted in an abstract, expressionist style, the reds that dominated the backdrop and floorcloth were shot through with black.
Swinney, widely tipped to be used as a floorcloth by McConnell at question time, did better than expected.
Philip Pim has lost his job, having displeased his wealthy uncle, and decides to charge an entire store full of costly goods to Uncle Pim's account: 'Philip sat erect on a gimcrack gilded chair, his cane and his hat in his left hand, his gloves in his right, while no less than three sturdy attendants in baize aprons at one and the same time strewed their matchless offerings at his feet, and an infuriated and rapidly multiplying group of would-be customers in search of floorcloth, lino and coconut matting stood fuming beyond.'