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informal a backpacker who has a considerable disposable income
[C21: from flash (sense 15) + (back)packer]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Flashpacker resorts are perfect for those who are looking for paradise at an affordable price, while luxurious 5-star resorts offer ultimate indulgence.
So, whether you are a mountain lover, an adventure seeker, a backpacker or a flashpacker, Kenya has something for everyone and every budget.
Check into upscale hostels (many cities around the world now have dedicated flashpacker hostels with upgraded facilities, sundowners, dancing classes et al) and book an individual room with attached bath.
Meet the flashpacker, a breed of backpackers with branded bags and sunglasses.
Or like us, you can take the "flashpacker" route - a train from Cuzco and a zig-zag bus ride to stay at the hotel at the ruins.
The country offers great value for money in terms of transportation, eating out or even shopping-with something to satisfy high-end flashpackers and even bargain-hunters.
The country offers great value for money in terms of transportation, eating out or even shopping--with something to satisfy high-end flashpackers and even bargain-hunters.
After becoming acquainted with our fellow flashpackers - there are 12 of us in total - we're shuffled into pairs and threes and helped to programme our sat navs.
After becoming acquainted with our fellow flashpackers - there are 12 of us - we're put into pairs and threes and helped to programme our sat navs.
NIGHT I would join 14 flashpackers for a private supper club at a Jordanian chef's home in London and experience incredible food with like-minded people in their 30s and 40s.
All those people were 'flashpackers' and we all showed our humanitarian side, group leader Kose added.
Flashpackers are featured by older age, more disposable income, active use of communications technologies and travelling as a backpacker by own choice rather than by budgetary needs (Hannam, Diekmann 2010).