flat pack

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flat pack



1. (Commerce) Brit a piece of furniture, equipment or other construction supplied in pieces packed into a flat box for assembly by the buyer
2. (Furniture) Brit a piece of furniture, equipment or other construction supplied in pieces packed into a flat box for assembly by the buyer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
FLAT Pack Music performs excerpts from Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte at Theatr Twm o'r Nant, Denbigh, tomorrow.
Flat Pack Music are reviving their 2017 production of Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte and bringing it to Chester.
While we've seen flat pack chairs, book shelves and certainly endured more than our fair share of flat pack chest of drawers, we never thought we'd seeIKEAselling a flat pack Easter egg.
WALK TALL The Flat Pack being promoted on a poster SUITS YOU, SIRS Frankie and Co cut a dash, just like Frank and Co (inset)
You've just moved into your new home and a mountain of flat pack furniture awaits your attention.
The first affordable flat pack housing, the BoKlok house, by Ikea was yesterday unveiled at Gateshead
The ground-breaking, flat pack home extension for disabled people has been developed by Redditch Borough Council officer Steve Spurrier.
The recent move is expected to expand the capabilities of Athea's wipes division to include canisters, peel-and-reseal flat packs, flat pack tubs and single-foil packs.
FURNISHING giants Ikea are launching their own flat pack houses and apartments.
Yvonne Booth, spokeswoman for Ikea, says the store is so successful because it offers considerable consumer choice.``The flat pack concept allows high quality products to be manufactured in large volumes, which keeps prices low.