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an electric lamp, usually containing xenon or another noble gas, used to produce a brief flash or pulsed flashes of intense light, such as that used in a camera flash
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Automation Technology has built an active thermography prototype using optical excitation sources - a flashlamp or a halogen lamp - that creates a thermal flow over time through the aircraft material.
Other novel treatment options include the flashlamp pulsed dye laser (13), cryosurgery (14), and sodium tetradecyl sulfate sclerotherapy (15).
A nanosecond nF900 flashlamp excitation source using deuterium gas at a pressure of ~0.40 bar provided the fluorescence excitation pulses at 300 nm.
"Please will you give me a flashlamp, a pencil box and a game of snakes and ladders and a cake of rubber and a pencil holder and please will you give me a ribbon for my cat and I would like you to give me an orange and an apple and when you come down our chimney you will find a cake on the table and a cup of tea for you."
Flashlamp pulsed dye laser (PDL) suppression of keloid proliferation through down-regulation of TGF-beta1 expression and extracellular matrix expression.
The signal was to be a flashlamp shone in a circle."
The Xenex germ-zapping robot works by pulsing xenon, an inert gas, at high intensity in a xenon ultraviolet flashlamp. This produces broad spectrum ultraviolet C, which penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms.
For the sake of comparison and evaluation, flashlamp "Self-Cleaning" tests of preamplifier SG-III Laser Facility were carried out.