flat dog

flat dog

(Animals) Austral another name for crocodile
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Flat Dog collection, including the boxer design here, is made of layers of flat concrete with a black metal edge.
"Tito on Ice," Andersson and Ahonen's 2012 feature-length half-animated doc, depicts Andersson and Sjunnesson's tour of the former Yugoslavia to promote their comic book "Bosnian Flat Dog."
Confronted here with mainstream modernist totems like Brancusi and Rietveld, Lee dispensed with fruits in favor of a flat dog and black dots.
Aaron Burmeister, owner of Flat Dog Kennel in Nome, is an Iditarod racer who offers dogsled rides and treks.
Druids Mickey Jo - Seamus Cahill HE'S a top-class flat dog, and won the Maiden Derby at the Racing Post Festival in November.
As a flat dog Canon Tom was only a modest grader at the now-defunct Catford and, had he raced on the flat at his new home of Wimbledon, he would probably have been no better than a low grader.
A Flat dog he may be, but Davies saw off several hostile bidders before retaining the gelding for owner John Pointon for 10,000gns.
Paddling up the Nile in a canoe, Steve comes nose-to-nose with Nile crocodiles - the flat dogs of Zambia.
I'd also noticed my results with graded jumpers were far better than with flat dogs. Was it merely a coincidence?
I've won the National a few times, and love hurdlers - they seem to go on longer than the flat dogs. Andrew [Hepburn] and his family, who have a restaurant in Ireland called 'Sizzlers By The Quay', are flying over.