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ucpávky do uší
čepići za uši
nút bịt tai


[ˈɪəplʌgz] NPLtapones mpl para los oídos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɪərplʌgz] npl (to keep out noise)boules fpl Quiès®; (to keep out water)protège-tympans mpl
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


سِداداتُ الأُذُن ucpávky do uší ørepropper Ohrwatte ωτασπίδες tapones para los oídos korvatulpat boules quiès čepići za uši tappi per le orecchie 耳栓 귀마개 oordopjes øreplugg zatyczki do uszu tampão de ouvido беруши öronproppar ที่ปิดหู kulak tıkacı nút bịt tai 耳塞
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Socks, earplugs, a sleep mask, warning stickers, Versace lip balm, hand lotion, facial mist and hairpin (in women's sets only) are all included in the sets.
The lawsuit alleges that 3M sold defectively designed Combat Arms earplugs to the military and failed to warn wearers of the defect and to provide proper instructions of their use.
Army combat veteran from Baltimore County is suing a defense contractor, alleging it sold faulty earplugs to the military, which he said caused him hearing loss and tinnitus, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday.
PEOPLE attending festive parties have been urged to wear earplugs to protect their hearing.
[USPRwire, Wed Oct 03 2018] According to the latest market report published by Persistence Market Research titled "Global Market Study on Hearing Protection Devices: Stringent Safety Regulations and Increasing Demand for Reusable Earplugs to Drive the Market", the hearing protection devices market is estimated to be valued at US$ 951.3 Mn by the end of 2015, and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 12.4% during the forecast period (2015--2021) to account for US$ 1,943.8 Mn by 2021.
Custom, filtered earplugs will often have superior sound quality because they can achieve a flatter frequency response if made properly.
Siporin notes that the manufacturer clients of NSS that are attending the NACDS Total Store Expo supply such products as Hearos earplugs; the WaxRx ear wax removal system; the NasoNeb Sinus Therapy System; SinuSave Nasal Wash; Vitaminpaste toothpaste for children and adults; Handmaster hand, wrist and elbow strengthener; and Just a Drop/Just a Spray toilet and odor eliminators.
The custom dental earplugs were created to prevent dentists from enduring low-level noise that affects hearing while still being able to hear patients and colleagues throughout the day.
WEDNESDAY, April 25, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Non-use of earplugs, use of alcohol and drugs, and male sex are associated with a temporary threshold shift (TTS) after music exposure at an outdoor music festival, according to a study published online April 19 in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.
"I've always considered my hearing when DJING at gigs and festivals but this is the first time I've been fitted for customised earplugs.
He said: "Meghan said, 'I'm not sure, it's sorted but it will be fun.' Harry said, 'I'm sure William's got something up his sleeve.'" Harry, 33, wore earplugs when the one o'clock gun sounded as they toured Edinburgh Castle.