Earth 2.0

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Earth 2.0

(Astronomy) a planet whose size and atmospheric conditions resemble those of the Earth : Earth 2.0 candidates.
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It would not make sense to search for Earth 2.0 in a system where a giant planet stirs the orbit of any neighboring terrestrial planet in the habitable zone so much that its climate collapses."
But to catch an Earth 2.0, astronomers are going to need a bigger telescope.
So, we were unable to handle and preserve Earth and now we will be moving towards another planet to cause further destruction ('Facebook video: Can Mars be turned into Earth 2.0?', Gulf News, March 9)?
The theme of this year's symposium was "Finding Earth 2.0" and focused on the search for a planet capable of supporting Earth-evolved life.
If we do, it won't be through technological miracles or finding Earth 2.0, it will be by heeding the advice of leaders such as author Naomi Klein and Pope Francis.
4 WHAT is the name of the planet discovered by Nasa this week, dubbed Earth 2.0 because of its similarities to our home?
17 What is the name of the planet discovered by Nasa scientists this week, dubbed Earth 2.0 because of its similarities to our home?
He added: "This exciting result brings us one step closer to finding an Earth 2.0."
NASA has discovered our planet's closest twin yet - giving experts hope there may be an "Earth 2.0".
Melendez, who also coauthored the paper on the discovery, said "the quest for an Earth 2.0, and for a complete Solar System 2.0, is one of the most exciting endeavors in astronomy.
For all of Kepler's bounty, the exact analogue of Earth, a planet the same size orbiting the same type of star as the sun -- "Earth 2.0,'' in astronomer parlance -- has not yet been found.
Future explorers may therefore want to visit these low-metallicity worlds not to search for alien life or "Earth 2.0." They may be the Indiana Jones's of the future, carrying out archaeological surveys of these ancient planets, unlocking the secrets of our Universe when it was just a baby.