Earth bath

a bath taken by immersing the naked body in earth for healing purposes.

See also: Earth

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
And so saying, he seized the staff he had driven into the ground, and leaving one half of it fixed there, showed it to be a sheath that concealed a tolerably long rapier; and, what may he called its hilt being planted in the ground, he swiftly, coolly, and deliberately threw himself upon it, and in an instant the bloody point and half the steel blade appeared at his back, the unhappy man falling to the earth bathed in his blood, and transfixed by his own weapon.
July 9, 1791: In a field next to Hanover Square quack doctor James Graham was promoting his "earth bath" and Elixir of Immortality which he claimed cured disease, extended life and did away with the need for food.
Bedroom one is on the second floor and this is next to the master bathroom with exposed ceiling beams, his and hers sinks and free standing Fired Earth bath.
Solar Cosmetic Labs Inc., best known for its No-Ad sun care and Body & Earth bath and spa lines, has introduced Green Canyon Spa, a new line of natural skin care products for the mass market.
The gift collection includes Body & Earth bath and skin care products and such complementary accessories as potpourri, sponges, photo frames and scented candles.
Solar had a major success with its Body & Earth bath line developed specifically to appeal to teens.
recently relaunched its Body & Earth bath and skin care line as an aromatherapy collection, and all indications are that the move has been successful.
Another example is the CVS Down to Earth bath and skin care products marketed with consumer targeting.
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