

taking place or being presented in the early part of the morning
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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An early-morning dog walker raised the alarm on Sunday, with firefighters racing to Old Rectory Farm in Sheldon Country Park .
A BAN on early-morning pre-holiday pints at Manchester Airport could be one step closer.
A study by University of Florida fishery scientists found early-morning dissolved oxygen (DO) dropped to 1 part per million (ppm) in and at the open-water edge of hydrilla stands during August and September in Sandmine Lake where hydrilla coverage approached 90 percent of the lake surface area.
THREE men have been charged with drug offences following Wednesday's early-morning raids.
Summary: The Army arrested Friday in the Bek Valley two brothers allegedly involved in the early-morning kidnapping of two Dominican Republic nationals, the military said in a statement.
Al Amri said the cause of the early-morning crash is yet to be established as an investigation is being carried out.
FURIOUS RTE workers slammed Grainne Seoige after she sensationally blasted them for being too lazy to work on early-morning TV.
In an effort to investigate the association between the severity of nocturnal sleep disturbances and early-morning motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease, Dr.
Merseyrail spokesman Rudi Boersma said the disruption affected early-morning services from 5.45am.
Al Ain Bright sunshine and generally clear weather is expected to reflect in a gradual increase in temperatures and resultant early-morning fog at least up to the weekend, according to weather forecasters.
Why don't you make your early-morning calls and have your early-morning conversations at your own homes?
BIRMINGHAM'S "alarm clock" newsboy has been given an official thank-you on behalf of his grateful early-morning customers

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