early retirement

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early retirement

npensionamento anticipato, prepensionamento
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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I answered composedly all inquiries respecting my health; and whatever was unusual in my look or manner was generally attributed to the trifling indisposition that had occasioned my early retirement last night.
The government should aim for the early retirement program where those who would retire can get lump sums, which they can use for their own business," he said.
There is no concept of early retirement in civil service, but it is implemented in the armed forces.
Applicants who register with the Early Retirement Scheme will be required to work until the 31 st of August, 2019, said a GOSI statement.
When a member of staff expresses an interest in voluntary redundancy or early retirement, the council assesses the impact of losing workers in particular services.
But the SC ruled that in determining whether a retirement plan is an early retirement incentive plan as opposed to a prohibited supplementary retirement plan, the primary consideration is the objective.
However, there has been a public uproar on social media over the fact that only government employees who have opted for early retirement will benefit from it.
Kamwessar had sued the Kakamega county service board for "wrongfully" sending him on early retirement on February 27.
Meanwhile, in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, nine countries do not allow early retirement under any mandatory part of their pension system: Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
The program induced a significant increase in early retirement. When the researchers examined the mortality rates of those who took early retirement, they found that an additional year in early retirement increased a man's probability of death before age 73 by 1.85 percentage points--equivalent to a relative increase of 6.8 percent--and reduced the age at death by 0.2 years.
He said 2,446 of the 5,000 policemen who retired this year up to October had opted for early retirement. The rest had gone on mandatory retirement.

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