domiciliary care

Also found in: Medical.

domiciliary care


domiciliary services

(Social Welfare) social welfare services, such as meals-on-wheels, health visiting, and home help, provided by a welfare agency for people in their own homes
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Allcare Shropshire, a domiciliary care provider based in Pontesbury, has been given the highest rating in four of the five criteria from a Care Quality Commission inspection, with an overall rating of 'outstanding'.
Grosvenor Health and Social Care has bought Rainbow Services (UK), a domiciliary care business operating in South Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire and Falkirk.
Caerphilly council commissions more than 12,000 hours of domiciliary care a week, with support provided by in-house staff and external providers.
As part of new regulations being brought in by the Welsh Government today, providers are required to give domiciliary care workers a choice between a zero-hours contract or otherwise after a three-month period of employment.
Today, Mr Gould offers domiciliary care to patients across Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd and Ynys Mon.
"The chronic problems afflicting the domiciliary care sector run far deeper than zero-hours contracts," he said.
The council's in-house domiciliary care team employs 225 people costing PS3.77m in wages alone each year, while 15 residents live in independent supported accommodation - with care provided by 36 members of staff.
We will be gathering this information using a questionnaire which will be distributed amongst the community to those currently receiving domiciliary care services via their care providers.
Under the SPA, PSPI has conditionally agreed to sell and Embrace has conditionally agreed to acquire the Group's remaining UK business, comprising nine UK care home freeholds, office premises, a school and resource centre and domiciliary care and related businesses (together the Wellcare Portfolio).
"What we have developed with Caring Hands is a service that will help remove the concern and confusion when deciding how to fund any domiciliary care.
Mr Farrer said: "SureCare has traditionally been a provider of domiciliary care services, but the care business is undergoing enormous changes and there is a need for companies such as ours to provide a much broader range of services to our customers."