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establishment at a place of residence
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.domiciliation - temporary living quartersdomiciliation - temporary living quarters    
living quarters, quarters - housing available for people to live in; "he found quarters for his family"; "I visited his bachelor quarters"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Noor Bank has entered into a partnership with Azimut (DIFC) to launch the largest US-dollar Islamic fixed maturity plan (FMP) in the UAE under a Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) domiciliation, Khaleej Times has reported.
Noor Bank entered a successful collaboration with Azimut (DIFC) to launch the largest US-dollar Islamic fixed maturity plan (FMP) in the UAE under a Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) domiciliation.
While the scheme reduces the pressure from requests for advance payments from contractors, it also ensures optimum delivery by our contractors, leaving the banks with a de-risked client base in addition to the comfort of domiciliation of payments,' the Country Chair of Shell Companies in Nigeria, Osagie Okunbor, has said.
All operations relating to Genkyotex' reverse stock split will be managed by CIC - Centralisation et Domiciliation, 6 avenue de Provence, 75009 Paris, as the centralisation agent.
It specialises in comprehensive financial planning, investment consultancy services, wealth planning, trust and trusteeservices, company formation and administration, cross-border structuring, domiciliation, taxation, accounting and many others.
It specialises in comprehensive financial planning, investment consultancy services, wealth planning, trust and trustee services, company formation and administration, cross-border structuring, domiciliation, taxation, accounting and many others.
[beaucoup moins que]Il y aura de nouvelles productions, notamment celles qui concernent la domiciliation, ainsi que des productions exclusivement produites pour le TNMV en partenariat avec plusieurs troupes de theatre nationales.
Il a soulignUu[c], dans un autre discours, prononcUu[c] devant des chefs dae1/4aoEtat et de gouvernement, dont le Premier ministre Ahmed Ouyahia, venus assister Uu son investiture pour un second mandat de 5 ans, lae1/4aoimportance de la mise en UN"uvre de lae1/4aoAccord pour la paix et la rUu[c]conciliation au Mali, saluant lae1/4aoAlgUu[c]rie pour la domiciliation des pourparlers intermaliens dans des conditions Uo[beaucoup moins que]de convivialitUu[c] et dae1/4aoamitiUu[c] rUu[c]ellesUo[beaucoup plus grand que].
"Soon we will see investors flocking to Qatar from neighbouring countries seeking a new domiciliation. This should be boosted by the government initiatives to open new markets for Qatari businesses in Africa and Asia to expand to," he said.
This measure will benefit, he said, 500,000 citizens who are not employees and therefore cannot obtain a bank credit since the banks demand the domiciliation of wages, adding that the activity of beneficiaries of this fund which are required to pay the payment of taxes must be regulated.