Domiciliary visit

Also found in: Acronyms.
(Law) a visit to a private dwelling, particularly for searching it, under authority.

See also: Domicillary

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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de Bragelonne, for Madame de Saint-Remy is not over indulgent; and any indiscretion on her part might bring hither a domiciliary visit, which would be disagreeable to all parties."
For diabetes, this means an office, home, nursing facility, or domiciliary visit. Other measures focus on emergency department codes or other sites of service.
For example, about 42 per cent of trips were for social care/health reasons and were estimated to have replaced the need for a domiciliary visit at an annual cost of about pounds 482,500.
Wayne Lysaght-Mason, project dir-ector at Healthcall Services Ltd, which will be carrying out spirometry screening tests at a centre in Warwick Road, Coventry, by the end of the month said: ''If anybody believes that they are too unwell to travel they should seek information from their solicitor who may be able to arrange a domiciliary visit.''
The first postnatal domiciliary visit (the primary visit) provides PHNs simultaneously with the means and the opportunity to access and to assess the health and wellbeing of all the mothers and new babies in a geographically defined area.
At the recommended price of 12.95 [pounds] the book is excellent value for money (less than half a domiciliary visit after tax).
It has become common for optometrists to carry antibacterial handrub on them, be it within practice or on a domiciliary visit. Although a convenient method of decontaminating one's hands, it should only be used between patients and never before seeing the first patient, after the last patient and never as an alternative where soap and water is readily available (and/ or hands are visibly dirty or contaminated with bodily fluids or infectious agents) (3)
It also comprehensively details how to perform a domiciliary visit, who is eligible and what information a practitioner needs to provide in order to claim the domiciliary fee.
Payment is in accordance with the current NHS General Ophthalmic Service eye test fees, NHS Voucher values and domiciliary visit payments.
The three main factors that determine levels of expenditure on GOS remain constant: the level of sight test fees (and associated domiciliary visit fees payable to GOS contractors); the value of optical vouchers available to eligible patients; and the volume of NHS sight tests performed and optical vouchers redeemed.