domestic terrorism

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Related to domestic terrorism: international terrorism
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Noun1.domestic terrorism - terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people; "the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism"
act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
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References in periodicals archive ?
Though various incidents of domestic terrorism took place over the course of the next few decades, nothing galvanized the press or public opinion like the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963 that killed four young black girls and injured dozens of others.
"Such a light sentence for planned acts of domestic terrorism sends the message that the penalty may depend on the intended targets and on the background of the perpetrator," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.
Kansas City, MO, February 18, 2016 --( First Smart Kansas City Event to Focus on Public Safety and Domestic Terrorism Threat.
And anyone whose job it is to communicate about domestic terrorism ought to reflect upon how their decisions about which terrorists to focus on may feed into the narratives of both types of groups.
He Added: "As prime minister, I would always want to try and take that action, and that's the case whether that problem is emanating from Libya or Syria or anywhere else." Britain raised its domestic terrorism alert to the second-highest level in August last year, saying an attack was "highly likely." //Petra// AF
landed one online gamer in more trouble than he could have ever imagined.'" (2) The article continued by identifying that supposed "harmless prank" as an act known as "swatting" and reported that Horner's role in the swatting constituted domestic terrorism, resulting in a sentence of twenty-five years to life.
(281) If such ideas are driving support for a limited federal approach to domestic terrorism, however, they both simplify federal and local dynamics with respect to terrorism and fail to explain why domestic and international terrorism should be treated differently.
McGarrity ultimately admitted white supremacist violence is not considered domestic terrorism because "the United States Congress doesn't have a statute for us for domestic terrorism like we do on a foreign terrorist organization like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab." McGarrity also agreed white supremacy was a global issue.
US federal authorities are treating the El Paso mass shooting as a case of domestic terrorism, CNN reports citing the US Attorney for the Western District of Texas.
Summary: Washington DC [USA], Aug 5 (ANI): The mass shooting in the US city of El Paso that claimed the lives of at least 20 people will be handled as a case of "domestic terrorism," US authorities said on Sunday.
The shooting that killed 20 people at a crowded El Paso shopping area will be handled as a domestic terrorism case, federal authorities have said.
FBI Director Christopher Wray told a congressional panel on July 23 that the bureau has recorded about 100 arrests of domestic terrorism suspects in the preceding nine months and that most investigations of that kind involve some form of white supremacy.

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