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adj. dirt·i·er, dirt·i·est
a. Covered or marked with dirt or an unwanted substance; unclean.
b. Spreading dirt; polluting: The air near the foundry was always dirty.
c. Apt to soil with dirt or grime: a dirty job at the garage.
d. Contaminated with bacteria or other infectious microorganisms.
2. Squalid or filthy; run-down: dirty slums.
a. Obscene or indecent: dirty movies; a dirty joke.
b. Lewd or lecherous: a dirty mind.
a. Unethical or corrupt; sordid: dirty politics.
b. Malicious or scandalous: a dirty lie.
c. Not sportsmanlike: dirty players; a dirty fighter.
d. Acquired by illicit or improper means: dirty money.
e. Slang Possessing or using illegal drugs.
a. Unpleasant or distasteful; thankless: Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job.
b. Extremely unfortunate or regrettable: a dirty shame.
6. Expressing disapproval or hostility: gave us a dirty look.
7. Not bright and clear in color; somewhat dull or drab. Often used in combination: dirty-blonde hair; dirty-green walls.
a. Relating to or being a bomb that uses a conventional explosive and radioactive material to contaminate an area with low-level radiation.
b. Relating to or being a nuclear weapon that produces a very great amount of long-lived radioactive fallout.
9. Stormy; rough: dirty weather.
v. dirt·ied, dirt·y·ing, dirt·ies
1. To make soiled.
2. To stain or tarnish with dishonor.
To become soiled.

dirt′i·ly adv.
dirt′i·ness n.
Synonyms: dirty, filthy, grimy, grubby, squalid
These adjectives apply to what is unclean, impure, or unkempt: dirty clothes; filthy rags; grimy hands; an old grubby stove; a squalid apartment.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


adj, dirtier or dirtiest
1. covered or marked with dirt; filthy
a. obscene; salacious: dirty books.
b. sexually clandestine: a dirty weekend.
3. causing one to become grimy: a dirty job.
4. (Colours) (of a colour) not clear and bright; impure
5. unfair; dishonest; unscrupulous; unsporting
6. mean; nasty: a dirty cheat.
7. scandalous; unkind: a dirty rumour.
8. revealing dislike or anger: a dirty look.
9. (of weather) rainy or squally; stormy
10. (Aeronautics) (of an aircraft) having projections into the airstream, such as lowered flaps
11. (Military) (of an explosive device) modified to cause radioactive contamination. Compare clean5
12. be dirty on slang Austral to be offended by or be hostile towards
13. dirty dog a despicable person
14. dirty linen informal intimate secrets, esp those that might give rise to gossip
15. dirty pool slang chiefly US and Canadian and Austral dishonest behaviour
16. dirty word
a. an obscene word
b. something that is regarded with disapproval: federalism is a dirty word.
17. dirty work unpleasant or illicit activity
18. do the dirty on informal Brit to behave meanly or unkindly towards
vb, dirties, dirtying or dirtied
to make or become dirty; stain; soil
ˈdirtily adv
ˈdirtiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdɜr ti)

adj. dirt•i•er, dirt•i•est, adj.
1. soiled with dirt; foul; unclean.
2. spreading or imparting dirt; soiling: dirty smoke.
3. vile; mean; sordid; contemptible: a dirty scoundrel.
4. obscene; pornographic; lewd.
5. undesirable or unpleasant; thankless: You left the dirty work for me.
6. very unfortunate or regrettable: That's a dirty shame!
7. not fair or sportsmanlike; unscrupulous: a dirty fighter.
8. hostile or resentful: to give someone a dirty look.
9. (of a nuclear weapon) producing a relatively large amount of radioactive fallout.
10. (of the weather) stormy; squally.
11. obtained through illegal or disreputable means: dirty money.
12. appearing as if soiled; dingy; murky.
v.t., v.i.
13. to make or become dirty.
14. Informal. in a mean, unscrupulous, or underhand way.
15. Informal. in a lewd manner: to talk dirty.
dirt′i•ly, adv.
dirt′i•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Something that is dirty has dust, mud, or stains on it and needs to be cleaned.

...dirty marks on the walls.

You can also say that a person is dirty.

The children were hot, dirty, and exhausted.

You do not use words such as 'completely' or 'absolutely' with dirty. If you want to emphasize that someone or something is covered in a lot of dirt, you say that they are very dirty or really dirty.

"I'm very dirty because of the gas crisis down here and I can't face a cold shower," she said.
Before washing soak really dirty blankets in the bath.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: dirtied
Gerund: dirtying

I dirty
you dirty
he/she/it dirties
we dirty
you dirty
they dirty
I dirtied
you dirtied
he/she/it dirtied
we dirtied
you dirtied
they dirtied
Present Continuous
I am dirtying
you are dirtying
he/she/it is dirtying
we are dirtying
you are dirtying
they are dirtying
Present Perfect
I have dirtied
you have dirtied
he/she/it has dirtied
we have dirtied
you have dirtied
they have dirtied
Past Continuous
I was dirtying
you were dirtying
he/she/it was dirtying
we were dirtying
you were dirtying
they were dirtying
Past Perfect
I had dirtied
you had dirtied
he/she/it had dirtied
we had dirtied
you had dirtied
they had dirtied
I will dirty
you will dirty
he/she/it will dirty
we will dirty
you will dirty
they will dirty
Future Perfect
I will have dirtied
you will have dirtied
he/she/it will have dirtied
we will have dirtied
you will have dirtied
they will have dirtied
Future Continuous
I will be dirtying
you will be dirtying
he/she/it will be dirtying
we will be dirtying
you will be dirtying
they will be dirtying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dirtying
you have been dirtying
he/she/it has been dirtying
we have been dirtying
you have been dirtying
they have been dirtying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dirtying
you will have been dirtying
he/she/it will have been dirtying
we will have been dirtying
you will have been dirtying
they will have been dirtying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dirtying
you had been dirtying
he/she/it had been dirtying
we had been dirtying
you had been dirtying
they had been dirtying
I would dirty
you would dirty
he/she/it would dirty
we would dirty
you would dirty
they would dirty
Past Conditional
I would have dirtied
you would have dirtied
he/she/it would have dirtied
we would have dirtied
you would have dirtied
they would have dirtied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.dirty - make soiled, filthy, or dirtydirty - make soiled, filthy, or dirty; "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
foul - make unclean; "foul the water"
contaminate, pollute, foul - make impure; "The industrial wastes polluted the lake"
smear - stain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance
slime - cover or stain with slime; "The snake slimed his victim"
muddy, muddy up - dirty with mud
splash - soil or stain with a splashed liquid
mud, muck up, muck, mire - soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"
crock - soil with or as with crock
blemish, spot - mar or impair with a flaw; "her face was blemished"
clean, make clean - make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"
Adj.1.dirty - soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grimedirty - soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
untidy - not neat and tidy; "careless and untidy in her personal habits"; "an untidy living room"; "untidy and casual about money"
clean - free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"
2.dirty - (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency; "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth"
indecent - offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters; "an earthy but not indecent story"; "an indecent gesture"
unobjectionable, clean - (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke"
3.dirty - vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"
nasty, awful - offensive or even (of persons) malicious; "in a nasty mood"; "a nasty accident"; "a nasty shock"; "a nasty smell"; "a nasty trick to pull"; "Will he say nasty things at my funeral?"- Ezra Pound
4.dirty - spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "the air near the foundry was always dirty"; "a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout"
uncontaminating, clean - not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "a clean fuel"; "cleaner and more efficient engines"; "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean"
5.dirty - contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen
infected, septic - containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms; "a septic sore throat"; "a septic environment"; "septic sewage"
6.dirty - (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear; "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied grey of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair"
impure - combined with extraneous elements
7.dirty - (of a manuscript) defaced with changesdirty - (of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy"
illegible - (of handwriting, print, etc.) not legible; "illegible handwriting"
8.dirty - obtained illegally or by improper means; "dirty money"; "ill-gotten gains"
illegal - prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules; "an illegal chess move"
9.dirty - expressing or revealing hostility or dislike; "dirty looks"
hostile - characterized by enmity or ill will; "a hostile nation"; "a hostile remark"; "hostile actions"
10.dirty - violating accepted standards or rulesdirty - violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"
unfair, unjust - not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception; "used unfair methods"; "it was an unfair trial"; "took an unfair advantage"
11.dirty - unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign"
corrupt - lacking in integrity; "humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation"; "a corrupt and incompetent city government"
12.dirty - unpleasantly stormy; "there's dirty weather in the offing"
stormy - (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion; "a stormy day"; "wide and stormy seas"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. filthy, soiled, grubby, nasty, foul, muddy, polluted, messy, sullied, grimy, unclean, mucky, grotty (slang), grungy (slang, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), scuzzy (slang, chiefly U.S.), begrimed, skanky (slang) The woman had matted hair and dirty fingernails.
filthy clean, pure, spotless
4. despicable, mean, low, base, cheap, nasty, cowardly, beggarly, worthless, shameful, shabby, vile, sordid, low-down (informal), abject, squalid, ignominious, contemptible, wretched, scurvy, detestable, scungy (Austral. & N.Z.) That was a dirty trick to play.
1. soil, foul, stain, spoil, smear, muddy, pollute, blacken, mess up, smudge, sully, defile, smirch, begrime He was afraid the dog's hairs might dirty the seats.
soil clean
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities:
2. Offensive to accepted standards of decency:
Slang: raunchy.
3. Violently disturbed or agitated, as by storms:
2. To contaminate the reputation of:
Idioms: give a black eye to, sling mud on.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
قَذِريُوَسِّخبَذيء، فاحِشسافِل، حَقيرعاصِف
beskidtblive snavsetgøre snavsetsmudsigstormfuld
óheiîarlegur; lágkúruleguróhreinkaskítugurslæmursóîalegur, dónalegur
zamazať sa
bẩnxấuxấu xa


A. ADJ (dirtier (compar) (dirtiest (superl)))
1. (= unclean) [hands, clothes, dishes] → sucio
your hands are dirtytienes las manos sucias
to get (o.s.) dirtyensuciarse
to get sth dirtyensuciar algo
to get one's hands dirtyensuciarse or mancharse las manos
his dirty habits get on my nervestiene unas costumbres asquerosas que me sacan de quicio
cleaning the cooker is a dirty joblimpiar la cocina es un trabajo muy sucio
there was a dirty mark on his shirttenía una mancha en la camisa
to wash one's dirty linen in publicsacar los trapos sucios a relucir
see also nappy A
2. (= dull) [grey, white] → sucio
the sky was a dirty greyel cielo tenía un color gris sucio
3. (= nasty) [weather] → horrible, feo; [night] → horrible
4. (= indecent) [story, joke] → verde, colorado (Mex); [book] → cochino, de guarrerías (Sp) ; [magazine, film] → porno; [laugh] → lascivo
to have a dirty mindtener una mente pervertida, tener una mente guarra (Sp)
dirty old manviejo m verde
dirty weekend (Brit) → fin m de semana de lujuria (hum)
to go on a dirty weekend (with sb)ir a pasar un fin de semana de lujuria (con algn)
dirty wordpalabrota f, lisura f (Andes, S. Cone)
communism has become almost a dirty word"comunismo" se ha convertido casi en una palabrota
5. (= underhand) → sucio
dirty businessnegocio m sucio
dirty moneydinero m sucio
dirty play (Sport) → juego m sucio
there are some dirty players in the teamalgunos de los miembros del equipo juegan sucio
dirty pool (US) → juego m sucio
a dirty trickuna mala pasada, una jugarreta
to play a dirty trick on sbjugar una mala pasada a algn, hacer una jugarreta a algn
dirty trickschanchullos mpl
dirty tricks department sección de actividades secretas para desacreditar al contrario
dirty warguerra f sucia
to do sb's dirty work he always gets other people to do his dirty worksiempre consigue que los demás le hagan el trabajo sucio
6. (= despicable) → asqueroso, de mierda
you're a dirty liareres un cerdo mentirosoeres un mentiroso de mierda
you dirty rat!¡canalla!, ¡cerdo!
7. (= angry) to give sb a dirty lookechar una mirada asesina a algn
1. (Sport) (= unfairly)
to fight dirty [boxer] → no luchar limpiamente
to play dirty [footballer] → jugar sucio
2. (= indecently) to talk dirtydecir cochinadas, decir guarrerías (Sp)
3. dirty great: a dirty great dog/lorry/holeun perrazo/camionazo/agujerazo
his dirty great handssus manazas, sus manotas
C. VTensuciar
don't dirty your clothesno te ensucies la ropa
D. N to do the dirty on sb (Brit) → jugar una mala pasada a algn, hacer una jugarreta a algn
E. CPD dirty bomb Nbomba f sucia
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= mucky) [surface, object, face] → sale
to get dirty → se salir
to get sth dirty → salir qch
to wash one's dirty linen in public, to wash one's dirty laundry in public → laver son linge sale en public
to do someone's dirty work → faire le sale boulot de qn
(= rude) [idea, word] → obscène; [joke, book] → cochon(ne)
dirty story → histoire f cochonne
that's a dirty word in this house! (subject not to be raised)c'est un tabou dans cette maison!
(= nasty) → sale
dirty trick → sale tour m
a dirty tricks campaign → une campagne de diffamation
to give sb a dirty look → regarder qn d'un sale œil
a dirty war → une guerre sale
to play dirty → faire un coup en traître
to fight dirty → donner des coups en traîtredirty bomb nbombe f saledirty-minded [ˌdɜːrtiˈmaɪndɪd] adj
to be dirty-minded → avoir l'esprit mal tourné
dirty-minded kids → des gamins à l'esprit mal tournédirty old man nvieux cochon mdirty weekend nweek-end m coquin
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)
(lit)schmutzig; to get something dirtyetw schmutzig machen; dirty markSchmutzfleck m
(with colours) → schmutzig; dirty greyschmutzig grau; dirty whiteschmutzig weiß; dirty greenolivgrün
(pej: = underhand) job, business, dealingsschmutzig; player, competitorunfair; (emph inf: = despicable) → gemein; dirty playFoulspiel nt; to do the dirty deed (Brit usu hum) → die Übeltat vollbringen
(= obscene, smutty) book, film, wordunanständig; jokeschmutzig; personobszön; a dirty mindeine schmutzige Fantasie; dirty old man (pej, hum)alter Lustmolch (inf); people for whom “liberalism” is a dirty wordLeute, für die „Liberalismus“ ein Schimpfwort ist
to give somebody a dirty look (inf)jdm einen bösen or giftigen (inf)Blick zuwerfen
vt (= soil)beschmutzen; (Brit: = foul up) machine parts, spark plugsverschmutzen
n to do the dirty on somebody (Brit inf) → jdn reinlegen (inf)


dirty trick
ngemeiner Trick; dirtys campaignDiffamierungskampagne f
dirty weekend
n (hum inf)Liebeswochenende nt
dirty work
n to do somebody’s dirty (lit)die Schmutzarbeit für jdn machen; (fig)sich (dat)für jdn die Finger schmutzig machen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl))) (gen) → sporco/a; (cut, wound) → infetto/a; (indecent, novel, story, joke) → sporco/a, spinto/a
dirty trick → brutto scherzo
to give sb a dirty look (fam) → lanciare un'occhiataccia a qn
to play a dirty trick on sb → farla sporca a qn, giocare un brutto scherzo a qn
to have a dirty mind → pensare solo a quello
a dirty old man → un vecchio sporcaccione
dirty word → parolaccia
it's a dirty word these days → oggigiorno è un argomento tabù
do your own dirty work! → non passare a me le tue gatte da pelare!
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dəːt) noun
any unclean substance, such as mud, dust, dung etc. His shoes are covered in dirt.
ˈdirty adjective
1. not clean. dirty clothes.
2. mean or unfair. a dirty trick.
3. offensive; obscene. dirty books.
4. (of weather) stormy.
to make or become dirty. He dirtied his hands/shoes.
ˈdirtiness noun
ˌdirt-ˈcheap adjective, adverb
very cheap.
dirt track
an earth-track for motor-racing.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قَذِر špinavý beskidt schmutzig βρόμικος sucio likainen sale prljav sporco 汚れた 더러운 vies skitten brudny sujo грязный smutsig สกปรก kirli bẩn 肮脏的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. sucio-a, mugriento-a; pop. cochino-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj (comp -ier; super -iest) sucio; to get — ensuciarse; to get (something) — ensuciar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
For more than an hour the carriage threaded its way through a dingy brick labyrinth of streets, growing smaller and smaller and dirtier and dirtier the further we went.
"Oh, doosn't she though!" cried Bruno; and he leant forwards and added in a solemn whisper, "The moon's face gets dirtier and dirtier every night, till it's black all across.
It was written on a half-sheet of common note-paper, and the flimsy envelope was dirtier than was justified by its passage through the post.
Miss La Creevy was a mincing young lady of fifty, and Miss La Creevy's apartment was the gilt frame downstairs on a larger scale and something dirtier.
Months passed, and the card, now as a joke, now as a grievance, was handed about, getting dirtier and dirtier.
The water had become thicker and dirtier; other barges, coming from it, passed them frequently; the paths of coal-ash and huts of staring brick, marked the vicinity of some great manufacturing town; while scattered streets and houses, and smoke from distant furnaces, indicated that they were already in the outskirts.
The next day it was a dog, even dirtier and more forlorn, perhaps, than was the kitten; and again Miss Polly, to her dumfounded amazement, found herself figuring as a kind protector and an angel of mercy--a role that Pollyanna so unhesitatingly thrust upon her as a matter of course, that the woman--who abhorred dogs even more than she did cats, if possible--found herself as before, powerless to remonstrate.
A dirtier or more wretched place he had never seen.
Then, traversing with the decided step of one who remembered the way well, several dark and dirty streets--much dirtier than usual, for the best public thoroughfares remained uncleansed in those times of terror--he stopped at a chemist's shop, which the owner was closing with his own hands.
I thought when we got them a governess they'd improve; but, instead of that, they get worse and worse: I don't know how it is with their learning, but their habits, I know, make no sort of improvement; they get rougher, and dirtier, and more unseemly every day.'
"He was older than Telepasse and dirtier," she assured Sheldon, "and I am sure much wickeder.
Look at Frisco, the labor leaders doin' dirtier polities than the old parties, pawin' an' squabblin' over graft, an' goin' to San Quentin, while--what are the Frisco carpenters doin'?