dirt bag

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dirt′ bag`

Slang. a filthy or contemptible person.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Matthew McConaughey is at his dirt bag finest as a good-time Charlie stoner-poet named Moondog in Harmony Korine's "The Beach Bum," a bizarre and transfixing carnival of vulgarity and vice.
In today's parlance, they would just call him a dirt bag," explains Kurt.
"This guy Jon Jones is such a dirt bag cheater that even Lance Armstrong is weighing in lol," Cormier (https://www.instagram.com/p/Br6MU9flAjs/) wrote on his Instagram page .
"I'm happy that I've been successful and have a family and nice homes in Jackson and Manhattan, but a part of me still loves being a dirt bag." During those early days, Chin began assembling an impressive CV of adventure exploits.
As for the stars in "star-studded," we've got well-regarded favourites -- Michelle Pfeiffer as a cougarish husband hunter, Judi Dench as a Russian princess, Penelope Cruz as a severe missionary, Willem Dafoe as an Austrian professor and Johnny Depp appropriately cast as a dirt bag gangster and obvious villain.
"I'm not a dirt bag," Katie, 39, told the Liverpudlian host in an interview for his TV chat show.
I thought they were trying to tell me that I was some dirt bag because, in my mind, I was a dirt bag."
No - according to Keep Britain Tidy, it's the Coke company and the cigarette manufacturers to blame, not this dirt bag.
Washington, Nov 22 (ANI): Katie Price refrains from sleeping with guys when she has just met them, as she doesn't want to be seen as a 'dirt bag'.
In addition to describing a judge as "Judge Clueless," the lawyer included such descriptions of her clients as, "this stupid kid is taking the rap for his drug-dealing dirt bag of an older brother." The lawyer was terminated from her job and her state's bar administrator filed charges against her, claiming improper disclosure of confidential client information.
The wall turned out to be about two-feet deep when it was finished, so we had an 6' x 12' area when we were finished." Roger extended the dirt bag wall a few feet from the opening in the hill to build the walkin entrance.