Dirt roller

Dirt roller

A heavy set of rollers, each about three feet long and two feet in diameter, that were made of such things as sections of tree trunks, iron, concrete, or two-by-fours bolted to old, heavy, cast iron wheels. Rollers were used for such things as crushing big clods of dirt and for pressing dirt down around freshly drilled seed.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
References in periodicals archive ?
"This roller is in response to our customers' requests for larger rollers rounding out our Rhino vibratory dirt roller line."
The Rhino 66X Vibratory Dirt Roller is a 66-inch, 10-ton ride-on roller that is powered by a 110 horsepower Cummins water-cooled diesel engine and heavy-duty Sauer-Danfoss hydraulic components.