dirt road

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dirt road

(Human Geography) an unsealed country road
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

dirt road

nstrada non asfaltata
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Now, der's two roads to de river,--de dirt road and der pike,--which Mas'r mean to take?"
"Cause," said Sam, "I'd rather be 'clined to 'magine that Lizy 'd take de dirt road, bein' it's the least travelled."
Haley, accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude, thought that it lay in favor of the dirt road aforesaid.
It's a down-hill haul to the railroad on a dirt road. Half a dollar rent each--that's three dollars a day they'll bring me six days a week.
Muscat : On our way to the Al Ayn Tombs from Wadi Ghul, we found this dirt road that took us on a more exciting drive through the mountains.
He glanced before offering Everyone appeared to speak or sing in a Texantype drawl: "Here awn Total Coundree, we lurv a pardee...and we're havin' a dirt road pardee!" And it wasn't just any old dirt road party - it was Baylen's dirt road party!
Cortez said the road remained 'a pebble and dirt road,' contrary to Mayor Luna's report that it was completed.
Tragic Jamie Doherty was driving a car on a dirt road a couple of miles from his home outside Moville in Co Donegal, when it spun out of control.
If you want to know how Emmy Award-winning journalist Romona Robinson weathers these storms and achieves her success, "A Dirt Road to Somewhere" provides the answers.
James Kelman; DIRT ROAD; Catapult (Fiction: General) 16.95 ISBN: 9781936787500