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Related to dirigisme: Dirigiste


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) control by the state of economic and social matters
[C20: from French]
dirigˈiste adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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ACUTE also contributed to the composition of a brief by David Steedman, first circulated in draft to member societies in 1977, and finally submitted to the newly-formed Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) on behalf of the newly-formed Canadian Federation for the Humanities (CFH) in 1979, recognizing the potential for positive change in the new arrangements, but warning at the same time against the possibility of increasing dirigisme from government.
But governments are now "part of bank management so may limit credit losses to less than 10%, Roche believes, but a a cost - more capital injections, further longer-term liability guarantees, tolerating higher leverage in "socialized banks," plus more than a little "dirigisme," or directing banks to lend.
We've had swings between meddling interventionism and muddling dirigisme. We've had complete laissez-faire abdication of any responsibility and politicians trying to run firms.
Au chapitre 6, intitule << Du dechiffrage a la comprehension, 180 ans de methodes et de manuels de lecture >>, Monique Lebrun conclut que l'evolution de la Conception des manuels de lecture temoigne des << soubresauts culturels d'une societe qui a autrefois reve de dirigisme educatif et qui penche maintenant pour la seduction de la pedagogique active >> (83).
If we go to perhaps the most extreme case of anti-IMF dirigisme in Africa, Zimbabwe, the picture becomes more complex.
Even more confusingly, sports ministers seem determined to preserve this competitive model with a dollop of dirigisme.
Rather than letting the free-market process of competition winnow out inefficient firms and open opportunities for new ones, Western Europeans support existing firms and seek to stimulate innovation through subsidies, grants, and dirigisme. This policy is bound to fail, according to the authors, who cite a series of enormously expensive and questionable initiatives ranging from the Concorde to Plan Calcul that illustrate the misplaced nature of directed innovation.
As dirigisme has run its course, the Japanese system may revert to its liberal beginning after a long interlude since 1940.
The intelligentsia appeared on both sides, according to its ideological preferences, and the ultimate outcome was in effect a competition between the dirigisme of the state and the autonomous activity (samodeiatel'nost') of the workers.
The early liberalisation reforms of the 1980s, which put an end to protectionism and state dirigisme, considerably strengthened Turkish enterprises.
Accepting a degree of demographic dirigisme, might we push its explanatory power further?