dirt farmer

(redirected from dirt farmers)

dirt farmer

n. Informal
A farmer who does all the work on his or her property.

dirt farming n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

dirt′ farm`er

a farmer who operates a farm without hired hands or tenants.
[1920–25, Amer.]
dirt′ farm`ing, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Not only was slavery an abomination, but for dirt farmers of the South to take up arms against their country to fight at the behest of profiteering plantation owners to me is the height of patriotic misdirection and proof of the effectiveness of propaganda when it is drilled into the masses.
Another Souleymani work takes inspiration from Grant Wood's "American Gothic." Painted in 1930, this well-known painting portrays a pair of aged dirt farmers, a man and a woman, in the distinctive garb of the rural U.S.
But its ranks were adorned with notable thinkers and artists as well as dirt farmers and factory workers.
The disconnect between the powerless dirt farmers and the powerful estates of government, industry and media depicted in "Peepli Live" left me sad and somewhat breathless.
You're working with dirt farmers, you're working with consumers.
The Depression was this country's high-water mark for poverty, unemployment, and despair, and tens of millions of out-of-work and down-on-their-luck Americans recognized their own plight in Steinbeck's saga about dirt farmers scrapping for a job and a meal.
Far from enslaving peasants to ever more expensive seeds sold by monopolistic Western corporations, GM crops have liberated generations of dirt farmers from both economic dependence and destructive agricultural practices.
Many tribes are struggling to demarcate their lands to prevent constant invasions from miners, cattlemen, loggers and poor dirt farmers. In Brasilia, politicians have long criticized the government's effort to set aside some 198 million acres of the Amazon jungle, or 11% of the nation's territory, for indigenous peoples.
"I came from a very poor area in Holland, and my family grew up scratching a living as dirt farmers. I knew that he wasn't going to end up like that.
A shadow of Shays can be seen only in the Bill of Rights, which spoke to the concerns of the dirt farmers and debtors who had fought the Revolution in the first place but were left out when the blessings of liberty were distributed.