

(General Engineering) (of an instrument) calibrated so that a given quantity to be measured can be read directly off the scale without the need of a multiplying constant
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This vendor offers full waveguide band high-performance, direct-reading attenuators in the W-, E-, and V-bands.
According to the company, by installing a Hedland direct-reading flow meter on the pump case drain, the user can monitor changes in efficiency by keeping tabs on any increase in case drain flow.
Hedland says by installing one of its direct-reading flow meter on the pump case drain, the user can monitor changes in efficiency by keeping tabs on any increase in case drain flow.
The new generation of direct-reading glucose sensors responds to the molality of glucose, which is identical in whole blood and plasma, whereas the glucose concentrations in these two systems are different.
It would be possible to obtain the result by using only one of these two sections, but to carry out the direct-reading feature of the apparatus conveniently, both are used.
Using the latest microprocessor-controlled direct-reading gas analysis equipment, which is calibrated onsite, using certified reference gases, the measurement results were electronically logged and provided immediately to the client in both electronic and hard-copy format.
The hand-held direct-reading photometer, which comes in a splashproof case, incorporates an optic configuration with dual measurement ranges of 0 to 15 and 0 to 50mg per litre N.
Series 2020 in-line flowmeters measure flow rates with [plus or minus]5 percent accuracy and present flow values on a large, direct-reading dial.
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