book rest

book rest

1. (Furniture) a cradle for holding an open book so that it may be read comfortably
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Duracell 3 Hour USB Travel Charger, PS29.99 |The Bookrest Lamp is a night light that doubles as a book rest. Priced at PS39.99 |This elegant wedged wine bottle holder seems to defy gravity by balancing the bottle vertically.
Reading chairs are uncommon, due, no doubt, to their unusual design that requires the reader to straddle the back in order to read from the book rest. But metamorphic chairs - which turn into library steps - were not and were made in great profusion by the 19th century.
No, I didn't succumb to the false bookshelf thingy but I did order a chrome bath bridge with a detachable book rest, a bath pillow and a set of attractive melamine storage modules.
A book rest set up next to the tub is a practical solution to the problem, and an ideal bathroom accessory for the dedicated reader.
The Niko is perfect gift for those who want a lamp, book rest, and wireless charger in one.
Designed in the shape of an open book sitting on a rehal, (foldable book rest used for placing holy books during recitation) the seven-storey Mohammad Bin Rashid Library will house over 4.5 million books including printed and e-books.
For more information and to book rest drives, call BAIC Oman on 80050800.
He admits, however, that time has been a challenge, especially in light of the project's complex architectural design, which is inspired by the rehal - the book rest used for the Holy Quran - and so closely resembles an open book that the library has come to be referred to as "book-shaped".
BOOK REST PS39.95 down from PS60, DESIGNED to perch on bedside tables, the small frosted glass lamp throws out a subtle, but strong, glow.
BOOK REST, PS39.95 down from PS60, DESIGNED to perch on bedside tables, the small frosted glass lamp throws out a subtle, but strong, glow.
With our share of meat, we will picnic with our family members at a nearby destination." Meanwhile, another expatriate living in Riyadh, who declined to share his name, pointed out that many residents book rest houses, known in Arabic as "istirahat" to spend the Eid holidays.