book seller

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: seller - a dealer in booksbook seller - a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books
merchandiser, merchant - a businessperson engaged in retail trade
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Zahid, another book seller, however, said that various titles of Urdu classics on fiction and poetry fetched him an encouraging amount.
"Book sales suffer extreme recession after three months after the revolution," said Amr Madbouli, a book seller from central Cairo and the son of hajj Mohamed Madbouli, a famous publisher-cum-book seller who was not educated, but could help hundreds of writers rise to fame by publishing their books.
US financial and investment advisory newsletters publisher Agora Financial unveiled today the purchase of local libertarian book seller Laissez Faire Books (LFB), without providing financial details.
Book seller Barnes & Noble Inc (NYSE: BKS) is selling new and used CDs and DVDs online through its Marketplace programme at Barnes & (
IT claims to be Britain's biggest mail-order book seller, with ranges including Quality Paperbacks Direct, the Fantasy & SF Book Club and The History Guild.
Music and book seller HMV is maintaining a cautious outlook despite a 6.4pc rise in underlying sales at Christmas.
Fortunately, one Welsh book seller, Collectors Supplies of Risca, has a website - - which lists more than 900 titles, the majority of which are in stock.
The deal is the second digital books partnership for Microsoft Corp, which earlier in August teamed up with the online unit of US bookseller Barnes & Noble to create an Internet digital book seller.
The information is then used to create an advance shipment notice (ASN) for the book seller that placed the order.
02 ( ANI ): Online book seller Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has revealed his secret to success and future plans of expansion.