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(Journalism & Publishing) the practice of deliberately leaving books in places where they will be found and read by other people
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Em um estudo empirico sobre a plataforma Bookcrossing, os autores verificaram que esses tres prototipos de comportamento podem simultaneamente desempenhar um papel no mesmo contexto, e consumidores da mesma comunidade podem usa-los para satisfazer suas necessidades especificas e motivacoes.
Para evaluar los algoritmos de filtrado colaborativo que contiene la API de Apache Mahout se realizo el calculo de "Precision" y "Recall" (Exhaustividad) del dataset BookCrossing el cual contiene las calificaciones que varios usuarios han dado a diversos libros, este cuenta con 278858 usuarios, 1149780 calificaciones que han dado los usuarios a los libros y 271379 libros.
Bookcrossing action, which promotes reading of books among residents and guests of Bishkek, has been launched in the framework of second socio-cultural action Bishkek - Literary Capital of the World on August 20.
BookCrossing [1,9] is recommender system which allows readers to discuss, review and share their interest.
Another innovative way to share and obtain books, for free, is available through, a site quite unlike any I've seen.