Moreton Bay chestnut

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Noun1.Moreton Bay chestnut - Australian tree having pinnate leaves and orange-yellow flowers followed by large woody pods containing 3 or 4 seeds that resemble chestnuts; yields dark strong wood
Castanospermum, genus Castanospermum - a rosid dicot genus of the subfamily Papilionoideae having one species: Moreton Bay chestnut
bean tree - any of several trees having seedpods as fruits
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References in periodicals archive ?
Washington, Aug 1 ( ANI ): A new study has found that the seeds of the Moreton Bay Chestnut tree contain a medicine called Celgosivir, which is commonly considered safe for people suffering from dengue virus.
Moreton Bay chestnut and Queensland maple don't like windy conditions but grow well in protected areas."
The seeds reportedly tasted a little like chestnuts, which accounts for one of its common names, Moreton Bay chestnut.