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(Placename) a port and resort in NW England, in NW Lancashire on Morecambe Bay (an inlet of the Irish Sea). Pop (with Heysham): 49 569 (2001)


(Biography) Eric, real name John Eric Bartholomew. 1926–84, British comedian and actor, noted esp for his comedy partnership (from 1941) with Ernie Wise (real name Ernest Wiseman, 1925–99)
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I kept a 'yacht' in Morecambe Bay, and more French brandy than I knew what to do with in my cellars.
"We ran round to Morecambe Bay, and landed the gold as we Rattrays had landed lace and brandy from time immemorial.
Comedian Eric Morecambe used to spend hours watching birds and chatting with locals near his hometown, his chauffeur has revealed.
FOR many families, huddling around the telly to watch Morecambe and Wise on Christmas Day was a festive tradition.
1 NEWPORT COUNTY Amond 1 MORECAMBE Ellison 77 1 NEWPORT County boss Michael Flynn was left fuming after seeing his side throw away two points after gifting lowly Morecambe an equalising goal through a horrendous defensive gaff.
Goals from A-Jay Leitch-Smith and Vadaine Oliver handed struggling Morecambe a shock win.
PREVIOUSLY unseen photographs of entertainers Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise with their wives and celebrities including Sir Elton John have been released to mark 50 years of the comedy duo.
PREVIOUSLY unseen photographs of entertainers Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise with their wives and celebrities have been released to mark 50 years of the comedy duo.
Among the highlights are shots of the pair posing with their wives, Joan Bartlett and Doreen Wise, in the garden of Morecambe's home.
Eric Morecambe dressed up as Sooty Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise with their wives, Joan Bartlett and Doreen Wise in the garden of Eric's home
HIGHLY acclaimed for their uncanny portrayal of the legendary comedy duo, Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, talented actors Ian Ashpitel and Jonty Stephens are back on the road with An Evening of Eric & Ern.