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n, adj
1. (Peoples) a variant of Morisco
2. (Dancing) a variant of Morisco
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References in periodicals archive ?
Italy's Angelica Moresco and Hannah Screen set the pace with four-under-par rounds of 69 with Troon's Hazel McGarvie well-placed after a one-under 72.
Love the location of our family house, a block away from the Gingoog sanitarium and hospital, two blocks from the public market, and to our left is the national highway where the commercial establishments are: Wellgen, a hardware store owned by my friends, the Sorianos the banks (PNB, BDO, Land Bank, etc.), Globe and Moresco, doctors' clinics, Jollibee and Mercury Drug store, Sr.
splendens showed a high reduction potential and DPPH radical elimination, as well as high concentrations of phenolic compounds and flavonoids (Moresco et al., 2014).
Scarpa pubblica Stabat Mater dopo che Antonio Moresco aveva scritto "Magnificat" per il teatro (2007).
Martins CAM, Gomes FV, Freddo AL, Heitz C, Moresco FC, da Silveira JOL.
(5.) Krewer CC, Ribeiro EE, Ribeiro EA, Moresco RN, da Rocha MI, Montagner GF, et al.