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(German ˈaltdɔrfər)
(Biography) Albrecht (ˈalbrɛçt). ?1480–?1538, German painter and engraver: one of the earliest landscape painters
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Their topics include the over-painted patron: some considerations about dating Bosch's Last Judgement Triptych in Vienna, Oration and Proprium Angelum: the guardian angel in the Rothschild Hours, preserving destruction: Albrecht Altdorfer's etchings of the Regensburg Synagogue as material performances of the past and future, disgust and desire: response to Rembrandt's nudes, and Pieter Codde and the industry of copies in 17th-century Dutch painting.
(18) Seus ouvintes se lembram dos cursos onde ele incitava a leitura das obras de Panofsky e analisava algum quadro renascentista (como O amor profano e O amor sagrado de Tiziano), ou ainda, para falar sobre o tema do "olhar a partir do alto", comentava o expressivo quadro de Altdorfer, conservado em Munique, A Batalha de Alexandre, onde vemos se enfrentarem Alexandre e Dario em Issos em uma paisagem cosmica, dominada pela lua e o sol, que oferece um ponto de vista do alto e panoramico (e orientado) sobre o Mediterraneo e seu entorno.
Shareholders approved the re-election of the independent proxy ADB Altdorfer Duss & Beilstein AG, Zurich, and of the auditors Ernst & Young Ltd, Basel.
3 "REALMS OF IMAGINATION: ALBRECHT ALTDORFER AND THE EXPRESSIVITY OF ART AROUND 1500" (STADEL MUSEUM, FRANKFURT) Basically, this exhibition presented the sixteenth century's version of camp.
German painters are also globally competitive, including Albrecht Altdorfer, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Matthias Grunewald, Hans Holbein the Younger and the well-known Albrecht Durer in the Renaissance period; Cosmas Damian Asam from the Baroque period; and modern artists Anselm Kiefer, romantic Caspar David Friedrich, the surrealist Max Ernst, the conceptualist Joseph Beuys, or Wolf Vostell or the neo-expressionist Georg Baselitz.
Rather than trace his genealogy of the Sublime forward to the present, as he had promised in his introduction, he told Harwood he was going to head the other way--past Altdorfer, past Masaccio, past even Giotto to discover the earliest budding of Nature as distinct from God.
Albrecht Altdorfer's Battle of Alexander (1529) has the same structure: its perspective shifts several times.