altar call

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altar call

A specified time at the end of a Protestant service when worshipers may come forward to make or renew a profession of faith. Also called invitation.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Many clergy take this opportunity to evangelise and make an altar call.
If my memory serves me correctly (and, that is kind of shaky), it has never happened before: For the first time in nearly 49 years of vacation Bible school at First Baptist Church in Shawneetown, I extended an altar call at our Family Night Program on Sunday night.
When she was eleven, she explains, "a prominent elder of my childhood church told my father that he could not focus during altar call because he was sexually overwhelmed by my prepubescent derriere." Lomax's tone is dry and sometimes self-effacing, but her honesty and careful inclusion of anecdotes and dialogue lend warmth to the book, making it easy to understand the oppression that Lomax describes.
The details of the funeral had been meticulously planned by Graham himself ten years ago, befitting a man known to choreograph his mass ministries to the last altar call. The coffin was built of pine plywood by inmates at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola.
and preached for about 16 minutes, made the altar call before leaving for the same programme in Oyo and Ogbomoso.
I want to get up from the dented metal folding chair I am sitting in, walk down the center aisle as though answering an altar call, as though I've found Jesus, push my fingers into her sockets and rip out her eyes.
He also includes the sermons Sister Julie's Preachin', Sister Junes Bulldog Preachin', and the Breath of Brother Pearl; along with the altar call If You Ain't Blas-ah-phemed the Holy Ghost.
The release quotes an altar call from Berkowitz, who's Jewish, saying he hopes "people take this campaign in the 'spirit' in which it was created, so to speak."
Gonzalez responded to an altar call, and has since been on a mission to understand why God saved him from his former life.
The finalists, selected from more than two hundred entries, included "City Streets" by Enid Harlow, "Summer Enrichment" by Betty Joyce Nash, "The Relic" by Caryn Sutorus, "Altar Call at Possum Trot" by Jessica Walker, "Burial" by George Harrar, "The Second First Time" by Paula Brancato, "Broken Things" by Jane Shlensky, and "The End of Dr.
Altamonte Springs, FL, April 09, 2013 --( Altar Call Pictures' short film The Girl With The Red Balloon is pleased to announce that it has been officially selected in the 2013 Fort Myers Beach Film Festival.
The news out of Pine Bluff presents an excellent opportunity--an altar call of sorts--to consider the succession plan at your own company, gentle reader.