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Related to altern: astern, subaltern, Alterna


(ɔːˈtɜːn; ælˈtɜːn)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Karachi -- Altern Energy Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr.
Altern 8 were responsible for some huge rave tracks like Activ 8, EVapr8, Infiltrate and more.
Lahore -- Altern Energy Limited (AEL) and Descon Power Solutions (DPS) held their Annual Employee Function, with all employees at the Altern Energy plant in Fateh Jang.
LAHORE -- Altern Energy Limited (AEL) and Descon Power Solutions (DPS) held their Annual Employee Function with all employees at the Altern Energy plant in Fateh Jang.
Audi recently conducted its 100th durability test, known as an Ingolstadt Korrosion und Altern test, on a 2016 A4.
were needed to 2m P sm in forced altern Royal M Of Ou But Jane Bennett, of the Forum of Private Business, said small companies would be "hit hardest by any increases" and claimed firms would be to look at using alternatives, hurting Mail further.