altar girl

altar girl

n. Christianity
A girl who is an altar server.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
No other details were provided, but local reports said the victim was a teenage altar girl.
Their mostly 20-something interviewees are diverse and include a would-be altar girl, a producer of erotica, an auto plant worker and a professor of art history.
Slowly led by 15-year-old altar girl Rebecca O'Toole, the church hierarchy walked past the coffin topped with the symbols of the Bishop's calling - the Gospels, a chalice and a mitre.
In an emotional mass, Madeleine's mother was quietly presented with a bunch of five roses by 14-year-old altar girl Emily Seromenho, whose own mother is English.
When it was time for the children to present flowers to their mothers, Father Pacheco asked 14-year-old altar girl Emily Seromenho to hand a bunch of five roses to Kate.
In an emotional mass, Madeleines mother was quietly presented with a bunch of five roses by 14-year-old altar girl Emily Seromenho, whose own mother is English.
-- "She's a former altar girl who's addicted to the American version of sacrificial wine--Diet Coke."
CUTLINE: (1) From left, Deacon Colin Novick and Monsignor Robert Johnson pray while altar girl Casey Thomas, 17, holds the prayer book during a Saturday Mass at the Chapel of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, at St.
I was told I couldn't be an altar girl, because only boys were allowed.
As a girl I was prohibited from doing a lot of things because of my gender, including being an altar girl. That irked me, even though I respected my family's religious beliefs.
Altar girl Emily Seromenho, 14, presented Kate with the roses and told her to walk with the Portuguese mothers and lay them at the feet of the Virgin Mary by the altar.
During the mass, Fr Sean Cahill described 16-year-old Clare, who often served as an altar girl at St Malachy's, as "fun loving".