altar rail

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altar rail

A railing in front of the altar that separates the chancel from the rest of a church.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

al′tar rail`

the rail in front of an altar, separating the sanctuary from the rest of the church.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Concluding the Marriage Service of the Church of England in those well-known words, my uncle Starkweather shut up his book, and looked at me across the altar rails with a hearty expression of interest on his broad, red face.
A dream of their coming in with Dora; of the pew-opener arranging us, like a drill-sergeant, before the altar rails; of my wondering, even then, why pew-openers must always be the most disagreeable females procurable, and whether there is any religious dread of a disastrous infection of good-humour which renders it indispensable to set those vessels of vinegar upon the road to Heaven.
Why, she has run twice from you, from the very altar rails, as it were.
But you may imagine what I felt when, just as I came to the altar rails, I glanced back and saw Frank standing and looking at me out of the first pew.
In Barra's novel, Lynch's aide rushes to investigate the murder of a wealthy sacristan at the altar rail of the cathedral in the Spring of 1861.
The altar rail was completely ripped from its fixings and thrown through a window and all lights were smashed.
To prevent Mia from further attacking him, Connor cuffed her to the altar rail. He then defended his decision to leave Kevin and company behind.
DONALD JOHN TYE, Wallsend William Shakespeare 400th anniversary of his death Thou bard of Stratford on Avon I visited your resting place You lay beyond the altar rail I buried my head in prayer On hallowed holy ground I liked the great man I hail from Heaton my birthplace A certain road was going to be named William Shakespeare Road All the streets of this road are named After characters in your folio: Hotspur, Bolibroke, Warwick, Malcolm Lord Armstrong named the road Heaton Park Road And gave his park to the people of Newcastle Shakespeare's works have been and are read by millions KEVIN BROWN, Newcastle
"Once, in third or fourth grade, I was kneeling at the altar rail to receive communion alongside my classmates," wrote Billings in America.
"Sorry I'm late," muttered the candidate as he galloped down the aisle of Crookham's United Reformed Church to join Labour and LibDem hopefuls at the altar rail. "Dreadful trac, thought I'd never get here."
The Rev Gready at the altar rail which shows a mosaic by artist John Dobbin at St Cuthbert's Church, Darlington, in January 1989 ?
"It's so good to hear an organ used at Mass!" "Imagine Protestants all kneeling at an altar rail when Catholics don't!" "They sure like their incense." "Boy, do they make you welcome!" "Can we go back, Dad?" We did.