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tr.v. un·set·tled, un·set·tling, un·set·tles
1. To change from a settled condition; disrupt: Strikes unsettled the economy.
2. To make uneasy; disturb: We were unsettled by the gruesome news.

un·set′tle·ment n.
un·set′tling·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


in an unsettling or worrying manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The manifesto was another unsettlingly familiar part of the tragedy.
Put together by the SAMENA Telecommunications Council with patronage from the United Arab Emirates' Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), the main sponsors for the day-long affair were Huawei -- who, in addition to bringing along a two-legged humanoid robot named Titan that (in all seriousness) could dance and make jokes (despite an unsettlingly similar physical appearance to the evil Megatron from the Transformers movies -- even weirder considering it once actually had a pash with the singer Rihanna on stage and hung out with aspiring supermodels on the German version of the Topmodel reality series), presented a number of their 5G solutions and hosted the "5G is ON" forum discussing where we're currently at and where we're heading with 5G technology.
Adams has issued a statement calling the article "unsettlingly inaccurate," and apologising to anyone he had hurt, "however unintentionally".
In each he has distorted his face into a grotesque mask, while retaining an unsettlingly direct openness with the viewer.
Robyn Creswell introduces English-language readers to a poetic movement that will be uncannily familiar -- and unsettlingly strange.
029 2087 8444 MUSIC Coheed And Cambria New York based metal band Coheed and Cambria, whose unsettlingly high-pitched vocals and well-placed melodies form the vehicle for a story of political corruption and war in the hi-tech distant past.
The novelty was that each of those thrillers played out in real time, so that you, as a viewer, felt unsettlingly hard-wired into the user experience.
At the US Open women's final, hers was a magnificent show of hard hitting, technically excellent and unsettlingly poised tennis.
For decades, I have been completely flummoxed by the millions of male Filipinos who make the feast of the Black Nazarene (9 January) an unsettlingly idolatrous spectacle.
Although the opening double-length episode is warm and charming in places, the grim reality of these women's lives doesn't make for happy viewing and this retelling for entertainment feels unsettlingly like fresh exploitation.
Has Rauschenberg recast leisure activities and aesthetic connoisseurship as fraudulent endeavors, orare the images just that--shapes meant only to conjure an unsettlingly familiar realm of punishment?