

vb (tr)
to remove a shadow from
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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For two hours no one ventured in the glare of the open, or even to cross the narrow, unshadowed street, whose dull red dust seemed to glow between the lines of straggling houses.
Paler than she had been at home, and a little quieter than I had thought natural when she was yet so cheerful and hopeful, her face was so unshadowed that I half believed she was blinded by her love for Richard to his ruinous career.
The river was to be traced far through the endless meadows, by its serpentine and smoking bed; and the little silvery clouds of vapour, which hung above the pools and springs, were beginning to melt in air, as they felt the quickening warmth, which, pouring from the glowing sky, shed its bland and subtle influence on every object of the vast and unshadowed region.
In a life apparently unshadowed by scandal or dishonour, what might have lent the book a dash of vinegar was some deep-lying flaw in JB's character.
As she explains in "A Proof, a Test, an Instruction," written a few weeks after the 2016 election, she's an unabashed admirer of Barack Obama, describing her respect for him as "vast and unshadowed." The two engaged in a deep and impressively wide-ranging conversation in Des Moines, Iowa, in September 2015, which was later published in The New York Review of Books.
In simulation, the irradiation intensity of the shadowed photovoltaic modules is set at 15% of the irradiation intensity absorbed by the unshadowed modules [17].
Unshadowed xi is selected as x's reference pixels in semisurrounded prediction algorithm, and full-surrounded prediction algorithm needs to select [x'.sub.i] as its reference pixels.
Typically, a single light source can provide sufficient unshadowed viewing for a supine patient.
[[sigma].sub.s] and [[sigma].sub.us] are the standard deviations of PCE for shadowed users and unshadowed users in dBs, respectively.
Instead, we simultaneously presented two DRM lists, and asked the participants to either pay attention to both--a dichotic listening procedure which forced participants to their divide attention between both lists presented--or to rehearse aloud the words of one of the lists--a shadowing procedure that induced full attention on the rehearsed list and reduced the attention paid toward the unshadowed list.
The new crowd, Glass said, has the luxury of seeing their neighborhood unshadowed by the experience of terrorism, and brings a new energy to the synagogue.