

not separated
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A tie constraint was applied to simulate the junctions between vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs and those between vertebrae and ligaments, allowing the contact surfaces between the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs as well as the junctions between the vertebrae and ligaments to remain unseparated under force.
As regards space, it is worth noting that benefic elements are often doubled by some less benefic or even malefic, that lights is accompanied by shadows or darkness, that the sacred is unseparated from the profane.
A random sample of unseparated mirrors was obtained to test the model.
However, Jeet Raval (17) and Tom Latham (5) held out well for nine overs to be unseparated at 24 without loss when play was called off two overs earlier due to insufficient light.
As Lenin put it in 1918, "Court activity is one of the functions of state administration." (108) The tradition of unseparated powers has been sustained against challenges from liberal reformers.
Doing so would allow for insight into the "unseparated," that is, the hidden dimension of unknown names and types.
ISC overhauled the total in just 18.3 overs, scoring 161 without loss as openers Bishen Singh (93 off 58) and Mahek Asher (32 off 53) remained unseparated. Brief scores: Al Mada Engineering 158 all out in 26.3 overs (Deepak Bhandari 44, Jayaprakash Narayan 44; Chetan Mallya 5/22, Mahek Asher 2/24) lost to ISC 161 for no loss in 18.3 overs (Bishen Singh 93 n.o., Mahek Asher 32).
According to [sup.1]H NMR spectral data, the ratio of mono- and diacetylated products in unseparated mixture was 3 : 1.
Titrated numbers of in vitro induced iTregs [+ or -] CTLA4Ig were added to MLRs in which unseparated B6 responder splenocytes were stimulated with irradiated Balb/c cells (Figure 3(a)).
"Songs and dances have always been unseparated from life, accompanying different labors, rituals.