

not serious
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Omisore also counselled the students against investing their time in any form of unserious activities but be interested in reading their books, as according to him, 'It is a pity that many don't read to understand any longer, as reading is the antidote to ignorance,' adding that students should imbibe the reading culture for excellent performance as this is what distinguishes a student out of the multitude.
"The solution to climate change is not this unserious resolution...
He took his business very seriously and was completely 'unserious' about himself.
The PTI leader complained that the opposition adopted an unserious attitude over important national issues as it always boycotted briefings summoned by the government.
Poroshenko, 53, attacked Zelenskiy as fundamentally unserious, a reckless choice at a time when the country still faces a conflict against Russian-backed separatists.President Vladimir Putin "dreams of a soft, pliant, tender, giggling, inexperienced, weak, ideologically amorphous and politically undecided president of Ukraine.
NNA - Lebanese Forces' leader, Samir Geagea, said that Hezbollah's anti-corruption campaign "seems to be unserious" and that is mostly for political purposes, highlighting the necessity to withstand the economic challenges in the nearest time possible.
Armenia, despite of being an allied state with Belarus and Kazakhstan in the CSTO, is regarded as an unserious partner.
One could make such an argument, but this would be a narrow view and an unserious response to other facts.
Similarly, the fee deposit, which was only Rs4,000 for national assembly candidates, was enhanced to Rs30,000, and for provincial assembly candidates, it went from Rs2,000 to Rs20,000, which may also have discouraged unserious contenders.
This was an unserious summit, cobbled together in haste by an unserious man, and summed up by the video fantasy of a glorious shared future, shown by the Trump administration in Singapore just after the meeting.
That is an unserious and unacceptable policy that can leave great consequences and harm to the Croatian national interests throughout BiH, "said president Skopljakovic in the public statement issued by the Croatian Party of BiH.