turntable ladder

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turntable ladder

(Mechanical Engineering) Brit a power-operated extending ladder mounted on a fire engine. US and Canadian name: aerial ladder
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The Seoul City Fire Department is the first fire department in Asia to acquire the world's highest turntable ladder. The new M68L officially entered service after the formal key handover in South Korea's capital.
A FORMER cafe owner had to be hoisted 50ft out of his home on a fire brigade turntable ladder because he was too big to get down the stairs to hospital.
Firemen were able to position the turntable ladder for him to be lifted in the hour-long operation on Thursday night.
Ricky, of Shelley, also had an old Huddersfield water tender dating back to the 1950s and a Nottinghamshire Metz 100ft turntable ladder from the same period.
The dad-of-two drove the turntable ladder on the fire engine.
A spokesman said: "Ambulance personnel made their way to where he was and immobilised him with the use of a spinal board and neck collar and with the help of the fire service, he was brought down to the ground with the use of their turntable ladder. He was then taken to City Hospital for further assessment and treatment."
The appliances - two fire engines, an emergency turntable ladder machine, and an emergency tender - had been overtaken by the brigade's replacement programme.
Six fire engines, a turntable ladder, and two ambulances were sent to the scene.
Firefighters brought him down to earth on a turntable ladder.
Fire crews used a 100ft turntable ladder and a special rescue unit to free the man.
'Although Warwickshire haven't used the turntable ladder much so far, if they were paying for it they will use it a lot more.'
TACKLING THE BLAZE: A fireman on the turntable ladder works up high