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n.1.The act of coming forth; a leaving of houses, shops, etc.; esp., a quitting of employment for the purpose of forcing increase of wages; a strike; - opposed to lockout.
2.A short side track on a railroad, which may be occupied by one train while another is passing on a main track; a shunt; a siding; a switch.
3.That which is prominently brought forward or exhibited; hence, an equipage; as, a man with a showy carriage and horses is said to have a fine turn-out.
4.The aggregate number of persons who have come out, as from their houses, for a special purpose; the number in attendance at a gathering; as, a light turnout for the election.
5.Net quantity of produce yielded.
6.A space alongside a highway where vehicles may stop, esp. for emergency purposes, or to admire the view.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
And although the turn-out increased by 10% in Church and there was also a slight increase in the turn-out in Everton, politicians have expressed concern over security.
The Scottish Executive would have to make concessions if there was a clear vote on a significant turn-out to retain the clause.
There is still some way to go before we get back to the heady 40% turn-out days of a decade ago, but yesterday represented a huge step in the right direction.
With Thursday's low turn-out analysts say "election fatigue" has killed off hopes of a big Euro vote.
Everton had one of the lowest turn-outs in the country at 15.89% in the last elections in 2000 and Church had a 24.52% turn-out.
Poor voter turn-out in theAssembly elections was worst in North East Wales, as three in four electors in Alyn and Deeside stayed at home.
In St Helens, everyone has been asked to vote by post,and already it has proved a stunning success had already mailed in their votes, representing a45pc turn-out so far,against a total of 26pc last year.
The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has called on the Electoral Commission (EC) to urgently look into the extremely high incidence of manual verification at the various polling stations, and the extremely high voter turn-out figures in some polling stations.
The event took place on an afternoon to ensure maximum turn-out.
Less than 28% of the electorate turn-out to vote in the metro-mayor elections.
Further, in 1971, Kamaraj and Rajaji joined hands and campaigned for the elections and Indira Gandhi who had alligned with the DMK then was skeptical about the alliance's victory at the hustings on seeing a huge turn-out for the meeting addressed by Kamaraj and Rajaji.
With a turn-out of between ten and 20 per cent of voters, Cameron seems happy with the results.