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Related to Turonian: Coniacian


n.1.(Geol.) One of the subdivisions into which the Upper Cretaceous formation of Europe is divided.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The Upper Cretaceous pliosaurid records include some cranial and postcranial remains collected from the Turonian of North America (Williston, 1903; 1907; Schumacher et al., 2013) and Morocco (Angst and Bardet, 2016).
This region has remained emergent for protracted periods spanning from the Variscan Orogeny to the Cenomanian and from the Turonian to the Holocene.
The slope of the burial history curves change at time intervals which corresponds to the Turonian (92 Ma) and become flatter, indicating the dominance of crustal thermal cooling subsidence.
(2004), and Petters [13] noted that members of the planktic foraminiferal assemblage above generallyrange from Turonian to the top of Maastrichtian.
But the KRG took control of one of these fields - Chemchemal (1.8 TCF), which until 1990 produced over 7 MCF/d of gas and 63[degrees] API condensate, found in 1953 east of Kirkuk in fractured Shiranish Fms and Turonian Fm.
(2007): Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate platform: The Late Cenomanian-Mid Turonian at the southern margin of the Spanish Central System.
The oil field reportedly contains hydrocarbon re- sources in sandstone reservoirs in three main levels -- a Turonian gas condensate reservoir, a Cenomanian oil reservoir and an Albian gas condensate reservoir.
The oil field reportedly contains hydrocarbon resources in sandstone reservoirs in three main levels--a Turonian gas condensate reservoir, a Cenomanian oil reservoir and an Albian gas condensate reservoir.