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Dans la tripartition, quelques distinctions sont alors a operer.
This in turn is intriguing, since Likusaen is sometimes characterized as the eastern component in a ritual tripartition of Timor: Wewiku-Wehali, flanked by the Atoni realm of Sonba'i and Likusaen.
Le lecteur pourrait, enfin, accepter de voir dans la tripartition des services ecosystemiques, des services environnementaux, et des paiements pour services ecologiques une reiteration du triptyque civiliste des fruits naturels, industriels et civils.
(95.) This is also consistent with the tripartition of Forms, where naturally empty Forms are ruled out because the status of Forms as Forms, especially Ideal Forms but also the other two kinds, reflects the importance Plato attaches to their phenomenal manifestations (Alican and Thesleff, 2013: 29-33, 44; Alican, 2014: 51-52).
1217-1293) relates Dionysius's triplex via to the tripartition of John Damascene (imaginibus, formis, et notis).
On that occasion, Bobbio referred--as I pointed out in the earlier account of his own legal postivism--to the tripartition of meanings that the term 'legal positivism' covers and identified a widespread perplexity about the legal positivistic method, too.
La tripartition du roman, en journees, ainsi que le traitement psychologique de ce heros baroque, suggerent le souvenir des triptyques de Francis Bacon, comme celui de Mai-Juin 1973, hommage a son amant Georges Dyer, ou ses Trois autoportraits.
Thus, for example, the fascination exercised over the lives of the medievalists that I have called elsewhere (BASTOS; PACHA, 2011) by the 'ontological precedence' given to the concepts of 'medieval' to understanding that society and it is a real obstacle to overcome the ideology of social tripartition, sublimated vision, elaborated by the elites of the period to affirm the harmonious coexistence between 'priests', 'warriors' and 'workers', denying the contradictions and disclose the alleged dominant social balance.
More specifically, a reader may discover that she has most probably been implicitly influenced by Frauwallner's emphasis on a first "scientific" period--from Vedic times to the beginning of the second half of the first millennium A.D.--followed by a "religious" period--from Sankara to the eighteenth century--as well as from Madeleine Biardeau's tripartition: 1.