trip switch

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trip switch

(Electronics) an electric switch arranged to interrupt a circuit suddenly and disconnect power from a running machine so that the machine is stopped
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As for engineering, well, I could at least demonstrate to them that I could change a bulb, a bicycle tyre and flick the lights back on when the trip switch went.
The cigs were stashed behind false panels and a fake mirror that could only be activated using a hidden electronic trip switch.
TRIP SWITCH Conor Mason, lead singer of Nothing But Thieves.
It's a sort of trip switch system designed to make sure the requesting user can check in on their contact if something is preventing them from getting to their phone.
Standard handwheel controls feature a quick release/reset engagement mechanism for easy operation and accurate repeatability, while a trip switch across the top of the mill helps ensure operator safety.
To re-set a trip switch, open the cover on the consumer unit to see which switches have tripped to the OFF position.
It transpires that our Prime Minister, a man with his finger on the button of our nuclear deterrent, called an electrician because he couldn't work the trip switch on his fuse box.
They arrived after a 17-mile diversion to find the blackout was nothing to do with the storms and power could be brought back simply by flicking the trip switch in his fusebox..
The final thing that I did was to cut as fast as I possibly could without bogging the blade down, setting the overload trip switch.
There are two limit switches, zero limit trip switches and the count limit trip switch.