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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a division into three representative groups
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Aside from "Endo", other Conference resolutions include the need of employers to adopt more creative strategies like massive upskilling and re-skilling of workers to develop a more competitive and highly-skilled Filipino workforce; engage in dialogues to craft policies and programs that will translate to GDP into inclusive growth, especially in rural areas; develop a modus vivendi to avert the growing informality of business and encouraged growth of MSME sector; uphold tripartism in all levels of decision and policy making with government; employers to strengthen bipartism to maintain industrial peace and harmonious labor management relations; and employers to foster responsible business conduct and corporate social responsibility.
Azih said Cuepacs welcomed Dr Mahathir's suggestion on a good tripartism relations between the government, workers and employers as an impetus to the country's economy growth.
The country presented its gains on the field of fair migration, value chain, and a specific emphasis on labor unionism and collective bargaining-one of the cornerstones of ILO's tripartism.
'In a bid to achieve a holistic coverage, the prescribed tripartite structure went beyond the requirements of tripartism to tripartite - in order to cover other stakeholders which included Nigeria Association of Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA).
Chief of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch of the ILO Governance and Tripartism Department, Beate Andrees, said that the progress made by Qatar in these areas is indeed a model for development.
The new agreement covers major areas such as social dialogue and tripartism, the decent work agenda, developing participatory democracy, the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the social dimension of globalization and the future of work.
Once again, it was the most concrete demonstration that tripartism works." "The negotiation of standards on violence and harassment at work has been of great and obvious significance.
'Prime Minister Lee determined tripartism as a crucial ingredient to Singapore's long-term success.
The participants will address items including effective development cooperation in support of sustainable development goals (SDGs), violence and harassment in the workplace and social dialogue and tripartism.
Our steps are based on the principle of tripartism, which was developed in cooperation with the International Labour Organization.
Omarova, Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Guardians: Toward Tripartism