
Also found in: Medical.


a. trifásico-a, que se produce en tres fases o variaciones, esp. en referencia a las corrientes eléctricas.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj (pharm) trifásico
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Classic triphasic pattern of clinical presentation is likely to occur only in a minority of patients.
Contrast enhanced Triphasic CT is usually diagnostic in HCCs, for lesions more than 2cm in size8.
Furthermore, we report that only one dose of tolvaptan in triphasic episode was effective.
[19] The classic triphasic histology consisting of blastemal, epithelial and mesenchymal component were observed in 61.1% of cases.
(6) Positive blood flow was confirmed by audible triphasic pulsatile flow at the tip.
For the gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI, the two T2-weighted respiratory triggered sequences were acquired after the completion of the triphasic dynamic gadoxetate disodium-enhanced study.
Multiphasic (typically triphasic) OCPs attempt to mimic the fluctuation in hormones of the menstrual cycle.
All HCC lesions were diagnosed by a typical enhancement in triphasic computerized tomography (CT) (homogeneous tumor enhancement in the arterial phase with washout in the portal and delayed phases) or percutaneous biopsy from atypical lesions by triphasic CT.
Any suspicious lesion on the liver during or after the completion of therapy, as detected on Ultrasound Abdomen, was further confirmed by Serum AFP levels as well as Triphasic CT Scan of the Abdomen.
However, clinical features are considered to be less useful in differentiating XCG from GBC.4 On ultrasonography the common and characteristic feature of all of our patients was either thickened gallbladder wall or mass which warranted further confirmation with triphasic CT scan which confirmed gallbladder mass infiltrating into right lobe of liver in all patients and involvement of hepatic flexure of colon in two patients with associated portal lymphadenopathy favouring GBC.
(13) The proliferating tumor cells recapitulate chorionic villous trophoblasts of various types and are organized in biphasic to triphasic growth patterns: sheets or cords of mononuclear tumor cells (large, intermediate trophoblasts with abundant amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm and/ or smaller cytotrophoblasts) rimmed by layers of multinuclear syncytiotrophoblastic cells (Figure 1).