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having no waves or bends: a straight path to the beach; candid and direct: straight talk; unmixed: I drink my whiskey straight.
Not to be confused with:
strait – (often straits) a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water; difficulty; distress: dire straits
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


adj. straight·er, straight·est
1. Extending continuously in the same direction without curving: a straight line.
2. Having no waves or bends: straight hair.
a. Not bent or bowed; rigid or erect: a straight, strong back.
b. Sports Of or relating to a midair position in diving or gymnastics in which the body is held rigid without bending at the hips or knees and the feet are kept together.
4. Perfectly horizontal or vertical; level or even: The mirror isn't straight.
a. Direct and candid: a straight answer.
b. Following a direct or correct method or approach; systematic: straight reasoning.
c. Coming from a reliable source; factual: a straight tip; straight information.
a. Showing or marked by honesty or fair-mindedness: straight business dealings.
b. Right; correct: made sure the facts were straight in the report.
7. Neatly arranged; orderly: The room is straight again.
a. Uninterrupted; consecutive: sick for five straight days; their fourth straight victory.
b. Having the parts or details in correct sequence.
c. Games Constituting a straight in poker.
9. Characterized by undeviating support, as of a principle or a political party: always votes a straight party line; a straight Democrat.
a. Not deviating from what is considered socially normal, usual, or acceptable; conventional.
b. Conventional to an extreme degree.
11. Heterosexual.
12. Slang Not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
a. Not deviating from the normal or strict form: straight Freudian analysis.
b. Not altered, embellished, or modified: does straight comedy.
a. Concerned with serious or important matters: a straight drama without comedy or music.
b. Of or relating to a straight man.
15. Not mixed with anything else; undiluted: straight bourbon.
16. Sold without discount regardless of the amount purchased.
1. In a straight line; directly.
2. In an erect posture; upright.
3. Sports In the straight position, as in diving.
4. Without detour or delay: went straight home.
5. Without circumlocution; candidly: I'll say it to you straight: you're wrong.
6. In a neat and orderly condition: put the living room straight.
7. In an honest, law-abiding, or virtuous manner: lives straight.
8. Without stopping; continuously: walked six hours straight.
9. Without embellishment or modification: tell the joke straight.
10. Without ice, water, or a mixer: drink whiskey straight.
a. The straight part, as of a road: "The car darted forward on to the straight" (Kingsley Amis).
b. The straight part of a racecourse between the winning post and the last turn.
2. A straight line.
3. A straight form or position.
4. Games A poker hand containing five cards of various suits in numerical sequence, ranked above three of a kind and below a flush.
5. A conventional person, especially one considered a member of established society.
6. A heterosexual person.
straight up
Served without ice, especially if chilled: whiskey straight up.

[Middle English, from past participle of strecchen, to stretch; see stretch.]

straight′ly adv.
straight′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. not curved or crooked; continuing in the same direction without deviating
2. straightforward, outright, or candid: a straight rejection.
3. even, level, or upright in shape or position
4. in keeping with the facts; accurate
5. honest, respectable, or reliable
6. accurate or logical: straight reasoning.
7. continuous; uninterrupted
8. (Brewing) (esp of an alcoholic drink) undiluted; neat
9. not crisp, kinked, or curly: straight hair.
10. correctly arranged; orderly
11. (Theatre) (of a play, acting style, etc) straightforward or serious
12. (Journalism & Publishing) journalism (of a story, article, etc) giving the facts without unnecessary embellishment
13. (Commerce) US sold at a fixed unit price irrespective of the quantity sold
14. (Boxing) boxing (of a blow) delivered with an unbent arm: a straight left.
15. (Automotive Engineering) (of the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine) in line, rather than in a V-formation or in some other arrangement: a straight eight.
16. (Psychology) a slang word for heterosexual
17. informal no longer owing or being owed something: if you buy the next round, we'll be straight.
18. slang conventional in views, customs, appearance, etc
19. (Recreational Drugs) slang not using narcotics; not addicted
20. in a straight line or direct course
21. immediately; at once: he came straight back.
22. in an even, level, or upright position
23. without cheating, lying, or unreliability: tell it to me straight.
24. continuously; uninterruptedly
25. (Commerce) US without discount regardless of the quantity sold
26. (often foll by out) frankly; candidly: he told me straight out.
27. (Law) go straight informal to reform after having been dishonest or a criminal
28. the state of being straight
29. a straight line, form, part, or position
30. (Horse Racing) Brit a straight part of a racetrack. US name: straightaway
31. (Card Games) poker
a. five cards that are in sequence irrespective of suit
b. a hand containing such a sequence
c. (as modifier): a straight flush.
32. slang a conventional person
33. slang a heterosexual person
34. (Recreational Drugs) slang a cigarette containing only tobacco, without marijuana, etc
[C14: from the past participle of Old English streccan to stretch]
ˈstraightly adv
ˈstraightness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. -er, -est,
adv., n. adj.
1. without a bend, angle, wave, or curve.
2. exactly vertical or horizontal.
3. (of a line) generated by a point moving at a constant velocity with respect to another point.
4. evenly or uprightly formed or set: straight shoulders.
5. direct in character; candid: straight talk.
6. honest; honorable; upright.
7. reliable; factual; objective: straight reportage.
8. cogent; rational: straight thinking.
9. being in the proper order or condition.
10. continuous; unbroken: in straight succession.
11. thoroughgoing; complete: a straight liberal.
12. supporting all candidates of one political party: voted a straight ticket.
13. adhering to the suitable conventions: a straight comedy.
14. Informal.
a. heterosexual.
b. traditional; conventional.
c. free from using narcotics.
d. not engaged in crime; law-abiding; reformed.
15. undiluted; unmixed: straight whiskey.
16. in a straight line: to walk straight.
17. in or into an even or proper condition or position: pictures hung straight; to put a room straight.
18. in an erect posture: Stand straight.
19. directly: Go straight home.
20. frankly; candidly (often fol. by out).
21. honestly; virtuously: to live straight.
22. in possession of truth or facts: to set someone straight.
23. without embellishment: Tell the story straight.
24. the condition of being straight.
25. a straight form, part, or position.
26. Informal.
a. a heterosexual.
b. a person who follows conventional mores.
27. a sequence of five consecutive cards of various suits.
straight up, served without ice: a martini straight up.
[1250–1300; (adj.); orig. past participle of Middle English strecchen to stretch]
straight′ly, adv.
straight′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.straight - a heterosexual personstraight - a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
2.straight - a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit)
poker hand - the 5 cards held in a game of poker
3.straight - a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse
segment, section - one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object; "a section of a fishing rod"; "metal sections were used below ground"; "finished the final segment of the road"
stretch - a straightaway section of a racetrack
Adj.1.straight - successive (without a break); "sick for five straight days"
continuous, uninterrupted - continuing in time or space without interruption; "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light"- James Jeans; "a continuous bout of illness lasting six months"; "lived in continuous fear"; "a continuous row of warehouses"; "a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it"; "moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks"
2.straight - having no deviations; "straight lines"; "straight roads across the desert"; "straight teeth"; "straight shoulders"
direct - direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short; "a direct route"; "a direct flight"; "a direct hit"
vertical, perpendicular - at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a vertical camera angle"; "the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab"; "measure the perpendicular height"
crooked - having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned; "crooked country roads"; "crooked teeth"
3.straight - (of hair) having no waves or curls; "her naturally straight hair hung long and silky"
curly - (of hair) having curls or waves; "they envied her naturally curly hair"
4.straight - erect in posture; "sit straight"; "stood defiantly with unbowed back"
erect, upright, vertical - upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright"
5.straight - in keeping with the facts; "set the record straight"; "made sure the facts were straight in the report"
accurate - conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
6.straight - characterized by honesty and fairness; "straight dealing"; "a square deal"
honest, honorable - not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"
lawful - conformable to or allowed by law; "lawful methods of dissent"
corrupt, crooked - not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive
7.straight - no longer coiled
8.straight - free from curves or angles; "a straight line"
curved, curving - having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend; "the curved tusks of a walrus"; "his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard"
9.straight - neatly arranged; not disorderly; "the room is straight now"
tidy - marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits; "a tidy person"; "a tidy house"; "a tidy mind"
10.straight - not homosexual
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
heterosexual - sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
11.straight - accurately fittedstraight - accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true"
even - being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
12.straight - without evasion or compromise; "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears"
direct - straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"
13.straight - without water; "took his whiskey neat"
undiluted - not diluted; "undiluted milk"; "an undiluted racial strain"
14.straight - following a correct or logical method; "straight reasoning"
correct, right - free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
15.straight - rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
conventional - unimaginative and conformist; "conventional bourgeois lives"; "conventional attitudes"
Adv.1.straight - without deviation; "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"
2.straight - in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
3.straight - in a straight line; in a direct course; "the road runs straight"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. direct, unswerving, undeviating Keep the boat in a straight line.
direct winding, indirect, roundabout, zigzag, circuitous
2. level, even, right, square, true, smooth, in line, aligned, horizontal There wasn't a single straight wall in the building.
level bent, crooked, uneven, twisted, curved, askew, skewwhiff (Brit. informal)
4. successive, consecutive, continuous, through, running, solid, sustained, uninterrupted, nonstop, unrelieved They'd won twelve straight games before they lost.
successive broken, interrupted, discontinuous, non-consecutive
5. straightforward, clear, simple, routine, clear-cut, uncomplicated It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs.
6. (Slang) conventional, conservative, orthodox, traditional, square (informal), bourgeois, Pooterish Dorothy was described as a very straight woman.
conventional fashionable, trendy (Brit. informal), voguish, cool
7. honest, just, fair, decent, reliable, respectable, upright, honourable, equitable, law-abiding, trustworthy, above board, fair and square You need to be straight with them to gain their respect.
honest bent (slang), crooked (informal), dishonest, unlawful, shady (informal), dishonourable
8. undiluted, pure, neat, unadulterated, unmixed a large straight whisky, with ice
9. in order, organized, arranged, sorted out, neat, tidy, orderly, shipshape, put to rights We need to get the house straight again before they come home.
in order disorderly, messy, untidy, in disarray, disorganized, confused
1. upright, erect, vertical, tall Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.
2. directly, precisely, exactly, as the crow flies, unswervingly, by the shortest route, in a beeline Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel.
3. immediately, directly, promptly, instantly, at once, straight away, without delay, without hesitation, forthwith, unhesitatingly, before you could say Jack Robinson (informal) As always, we went straight to the experts for advice.
4. frankly, honestly, point-blank, candidly, pulling no punches (informal), in plain English, with no holds barred I told him straight that I had been looking for another job.
go straight reform, turn over a new leaf, make a new start, get back on the straight and narrow I thought you were going straight after that last robbery?
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Proceeding or lying in an uninterrupted line or course:
2. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations:
4. Conforming to established practice or standards:
Slang: square.
5. Not diluted or mixed with other substances:
1. In a direct line:
2. With precision or absolute conformity:
Slang: smack-dab.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
مُسْتَقيممَوضوع بِشَكل مُسْتَقيمالجُزْء المُسْتَقيم من طَريق السِّباقبِخَطٍّ مُسْتَقيمبصورةٍ شَريفَه أو مُسْتَقيمَه
beinnbeinn kaflibeintdrengilega, heiîarlegaheiîarlegur, hreinskilinn
atsitiestieiti tiesiainesudėtingaspasukti į doros keliąrinkiminė dvikova
charakterovýdobre umiestnenýrovinkav patričnom poriadku
brez ovinkovnaravnostodkritporavnanraven


A. ADJ (straighter (compar) (straightest (superl)))
1. (= not bent or curved) [line, road, nose, skirt] → recto; [trousers] → de perneras estrechas, de pata estrecha; [hair] → lacio, liso; [shoulders] → erguido, recto
he couldn't even walk in a straight lineni siquiera podía caminar en línea recta
she was keeping the boat on a straight coursemantenía el barco navegando en línea recta
to have a straight backtener la espalda erguida or recta
I couldn't keep a straight face, I couldn't keep my face straightno podía mantener la cara seria
she said it with a completely straight facelo dijo con la cara totalmente seria
2. (= not askew) [picture, rug, hat, hem] → derecho
the picture isn't straightel cuadro está torcido or (LAm) chueco
your tie isn't straighttienes la corbata torcida, tu corbata no está bien
to put or set straight [+ picture, hat, tie, rug] → poner derecho
3. (= honest, direct) [answer] → franco, directo; [question] → directo; [refusal, denial] → categórico, rotundo
all I want is a straight answer to a straight questionlo único que pido es que respondas con franqueza a una pregunta directa
it's time for some straight talkinges hora de hablar con franqueza or claramente
to be straight with sbser franco con algn, hablar a algn con toda franqueza
as straight as a diehonrado a carta cabal
4. (= unambiguous) → claro
is that straight?¿está claro?
to get sth straight let's get that straight right from the startvamos a dejar eso claro desde el principio
there are a couple of things we'd better get straighthay un par de cosas que debemos dejar claras
have you got that straight?¿lo has entendido?, ¿está claro?
he had to get things straight in his mindtenía que aclararse las ideas
he hasn't got his facts straightno tiene la información correcta
to put or set sth straightaclarar algo
to put or set things or matters straightaclarar las cosas
to put or set the record straightaclarar las cosas
he soon put or set me straightenseguida me aclaró las cosas
5. (= tidy, in order) [house, room] → arreglado, ordenado; [books, affairs, accounts] → en orden
I like to keep my house straightme gusta tener la casa arreglada or ordenada
the paperwork still isn't straightlos papeles no están todavía en orden
to get or put sth straightarreglar algo
6. (= clear-cut, simple) [choice, swap] → simple
her latest novel is straight autobiographysu última novela es una simple autobiografía
we made £50 straight profit on the dealsacamos 50 libras limpias del negocio
a straight cash offeruna oferta de dinero en mano
7. (= consecutive) [victories, defeats, games] → consecutivo
this is the fifth straight year that she has wonéste es el quinto año consecutivo en el que ha ganado
to get straight Assacar sobresaliente en todo
a straight flush (in poker) → una escalera real
she lost in straight sets to Pat Hay (in tennis) → perdió contra Pat Hay sin ganar ningún set
we had ten straight winsganamos diez veces seguidastuvimos diez victorias consecutivas
8. (= neat) [whisky, vodka] → solo
9. (Theat) (= not comic) [part, play, theatre, actor] → dramático, serio
10. (= conventional) [person] → de cabeza cuadrada
she's a nice person, but very straightes maja pero tiene la cabeza demasiado cuadrada
11. (= not owed or owing money) if I give you a fiver, then we'll be straightsi te doy cinco libras, estamos en paz
12. (= heterosexual) → heterosexual, hetero
13. (= not criminal) [person] he's been straight for two yearsha llevado una vida honrada durante dos años
14. (= not using drugs) I've been straight for 13 yearshace 13 años que dejé las drogas, llevo 13 años desenganchado de las drogas
1. (= in a straight line) [walk, shoot, fly] → en línea recta; [grow] → recto
they can't even shoot straightni siquiera saben disparar en línea recta
he was sitting up very straightestaba sentado muy derecho or erguido
stand up straight!¡ponte derecho or erguido!
straight above usdirectamente encima de nosotros
it's straight across the road from usestá justo al otro lado de la calle
to go straight aheadir todo recto, ir todo derecho
to look straight aheadmirar al frente, mirar hacia adelante
straight ahead of usjusto en frente de nosotros
to look straight at sbmirar derecho hacia algn
he came straight at mevino derecho hacia mí
to hold o.s. straightmantenerse derecho
to look sb straight in the eyemirar directamente a los ojos de algn
to look sb straight in the facemirar a algn directamente a la cara
to go straight onir todo recto, ir todo derecho
the bullet went straight through his chestla bala le atravesó limpiamente el pecho
I saw a car coming straight towards mevi un coche que venía derecho hacia mi
to look straight upmirar hacia arriba
the cork shot straight up in the airel corcho salió disparado hacia arriba
2. (= level)
to hang straight [picture] → estar derecho
the picture isn't hanging straightel cuadro está torcido or (LAm) chueco
3. (= directly) → directamente; (= immediately) → inmediatamente
youngsters who move straight from school onto the dole queuejóvenes que pasan directamente del colegio a la cola del paro
I went straight home/to bedfui derecho a casa/a la cama
come straight backvuelve directamente aquí
to come straight to the pointir al grano
to drink straight from the bottlebeber de la botella
straight after thisinmediatamente después de esto
straight awayinmediatamenteen seguidaal tiro (Chile)
straight off (= without hesitation) → sin vacilar; (= immediately) → inmediatamente; (= directly) → directamente, sin rodeos
she just went straight offse marchó sin detenerse
I heard it straight from the horse's mouthse lo oí decir a él mismo (or a ella misma)
4. (= frankly) → francamente, con franqueza
just give it to me or tell me straightdímelo francamente or con franqueza
to tell sb sth straight outdecir algo a algn sin rodeos or directamente
straight up (Brit) → en serio
straight from the shoulder I let him have it straight from the shoulderse lo dije sin rodeos
5. (= neat) [drink] → solo
I prefer to drink whisky straightprefiero tomar el whisky solo
6. (= clearly) [think] → con claridad
he was so frightened that he couldn't think straighttenía tanto miedo que no podía pensar con claridad
I was so drunk I couldn't see straightestaba tan borracho que no veía
to go straight (= reform) [criminal] → enmendarse; [drug addict] → dejar de tomar drogas, desengancharse
he's been going straight for a year now [ex-criminal] → hace ahora un año que lleva una vida honrada; [ex-addict] → hace un año que dejó las drogas, lleva un año desenganchado de las drogas
8. (Theat) he played the role straightinterpretó el papel de manera clásica
9. (= consecutively) we worked on the harvest for three days straighthicimos la cosecha durante tres días seguidos
C. N
1. (= straight line)
to cut sth on the straightcortar algo derecho
the straight and narrowel buen camino
to keep to the straight and narrowir por buen camino
to keep sb on the straight and narrowmantener a algn por el buen camino
to depart from the straight and narrowapartarse del buen camino
2. (Brit) (on racecourse)
the straightla recta
as the cars entered the final straight Hill was in the leadcuando los coches entraron en la recta final Hill iba a la cabeza
3. (Cards) → runfla f, escalera f
4. (= heterosexual) → heterosexual mf
D. CPD straight angle Nángulo m llano
straight arrow N (US) → estrecho/a m/f de miras
straight man Nactor m que da pie al cómico
I was the straight man and he was the comicyo era el actor que daba pie a sus chistes y él era el cómico
straight razor N (US) → navaja f de barbero
straight sex N (= not homosexual) → sexo m entre heterosexuales; (= conventional) → relaciones fpl sexuales convencionales, sexo m sin florituras
straight ticket N (US) (Pol) to vote a straight ticketvotar a candidatos del mismo partido para todos los cargos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(not curved, not bent) [road, edge, line, wall] → droit(e)
a straight line → une ligne droite
(not crooked) [teeth, picture, tie] → droit(e)
(not curly) [hair] → raide
straight hair → les cheveux raides
(not flared) [skirt, trousers] → droit(e)
(= frank) [person, answer] → direct(e), franc(franche)
(= clear) [choice] → simple
let's get this straight → mettons les choses au point, comprenons-nous bien
to put sth straight (= correct) → rectifier qch
to put the record straight, to set the record straight → remettre les pendules à l'heure
Let me set the record straight
BUT Permettez-moi de mettre les choses au point.
to set the record straight about sth → remettre les pendules à l'heure au sujet de qch
(= tidy) to put sth straight, to get sth straight (= tidy up) [+ house, room, papers] → mettre qch en ordre, mettre de l'ordre dans qch
(= consecutive) → d'affilée
10 straight wins → 10 victoires d'affilée
(= conventional) [person] → comme il faut
(not comic) [part, play] → sérieux/euse
(= heterosexual) → hétéro inv
(= neat) [drink] → sec(sèche)
(= in a straight line) [stand, walk, fly, shoot] → droit
I saw the car coming straight at me → J'ai vu la voiture qui venait droit sur moi.
straight on → tout droit
(= directly) → directement
to go straight home → rentrer directement à la maison
straight off (= at once) → tout de suite
(= frankly) → sans détour
to tell sb sth straight out → dire qch sans détour à qn
(= consecutively) → d'affilée
[drink] → sec, sans eau
(SPORT) the straight → la ligne droite
the home straight → la dernière ligne droite
to keep on the straight and narrow → rester dans le droit cheminstraight away straightaway [ˌstreɪtəˈweɪ] adv (= immediately) → tout de suite
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)
gerade; shot, passdirekt; stance, postureaufrecht; hairglatt; skirt, trousersgerade geschnitten; your tie isn’t straightdeine Krawatte sitzt schief; the picture isn’t straightdas Bild hängt schief; your hem isn’t straightdein Saum ist nicht gerade; to pull something straightetw gerade ziehen; is my hat on straight?sitzt mein Hut gerade?; please put the picture straightbitte hängen Sie das Bild gerade hin; hold yourself straightgerade!; as straight as a die (Brit) → kerzengerade; roadschnurgerade; (= honest)grundehrlich; to keep a straight face, to keep one’s face straighternst bleiben, das Gesicht nicht verziehen; with a straight faceohne die Miene zu verziehen; straight left/right (Boxing) → gerade Linke/Rechte
(= clear) thinkingklar; to get things straight in one’s mindsich (dat)der Dinge klar werden
(= frank) answer, talking, questionoffen, direkt; piece of adviceoffen, ehrlich; denial, refusaldirekt, ohne Umschweife; (= honest) person, dealingsehrlich; to be straight with somebodyoffen und ehrlich zu jdm sein; to keep somebody straightdafür sorgen, dass jd ehrlich bleibt or nicht auf die schiefe Bahn gerät (inf); to play a straight bat (Brit fig) → ein faires Spiel spielen; straight arrow (US inf) → biederer Mensch; (= man also)Biedermann m (inf)
(= plain, straightforward) drinkpur; (Pol) fightdirekt; yes or no, choice, exam passeinfach; straight A’sglatte Einsen pl; she’s a straight A studentsie hat alles Einsen; to vote the straight ticket (US Pol) → seine Stimme einer einzigen Partei (dat)geben; he’s a straight Democrater ist ein hundertprozentiger Demokrat; to have a straight choice between …nur die Wahl zwischen … haben
(= continuous)ununterbrochen; for the third straight day (US) → drei Tage ohne Unterbrechung; the straight line of succession to the thronedie Thronfolge in der direkten Linie; our team had ten straight winsunsere Mannschaft gewann zehnmal hintereinander or in ununterbrochener Folge; in straight sets/games (win) → ohne Satz-/Spielverlust; (lose) → ohne Satz-/Spielgewinn, in aufeinanderfolgenden Sätzen/Spielen
(Theat) productionkonventionell; actorernsthaft; a straight playein reines Drama
pred (in order) house, roomordentlich; paperworkin Ordnung; to be (all) straightin Ordnung sein; (fig: = clarified also) → (völlig) geklärt sein; now we’re straightjetzt haben wir die Sache geklärt; (= tidy)jetzt ist alles in Ordnung; to put things straight (= tidy)alles in Ordnung bringen; (= clarify)alles klären; let’s get this straightdas wollen wir mal klarstellen; and get this straightund damit wir uns richtig verstehen; to put or set somebody straight about somethingjdm etw klarmachen; if I give you a fiver, then we’ll be straight (inf)wenn ich dir einen Fünfer gebe, sind wir quitt
(inf: = heterosexual) → hetero (inf); (= conventional)etabliert, spießig (pej)
(Drugs inf) → clean (inf); I’ve been straight for three years nowich bin jetzt seit drei Jahren clean (inf)
hold, walk, fly, shoot, growgerade; sit up, stand upaufrecht, gerade; hitgenau; leap at, aim fordirekt; abovegenau, direkt; acrossdirekt; straight through somethingglatt durch etw; he came straight at meer kam direkt or geradewegs auf mich zu; it went straight up in the aires flog senkrecht in die Luft; to look straight aheadgeradeaus sehen; the town lay straight ahead of usdie Stadt lag direkt or genau vor uns; the airport is straight aheadder Flughafen ist geradeaus; go straight ahead with your planführen Sie Ihren Plan wie vorgesehen durch; to drive straight ongeradeaus weiterfahren; he drove straight into a treeer fuhr direkt or voll (inf)gegen einen Baum; the arrow went straight to the targetder Pfeil traf genau ins Ziel; to go straight (criminal) → keine krummen Sachen (mehr) machen (inf)
(= directly)direkt; I went straight homeich ging direkt or sofort nach Hause; to look somebody straight in the eyejdm direkt or genau in die Augen sehen
(= immediately)sofort; straight after thissofort or unmittelbar danach; straight away or offsofort, gleich, auf der Stelle; he said straight off that …er sagte ohne Umschweife or sofort, dass …; to come straight to the pointsofort or gleich zur Sache kommen
(= clearly) think, seeklar
(= frankly)offen, rundheraus, ohne Umschweife; I’ll give it to you straight, you’re firedich sage es Ihnen rundheraus or ohne Umschweife, Sie sind entlassen; straight out (inf)unverblümt (inf), → rundheraus; to give or tell somebody something/it straight from the shoulderjdm etw/es jdm unverblümt or ohne Umschweife sagen; straight up, I got fifty quid for it (inf)echt, ich habe fünfzig Pfund dafür gekriegt (inf); I got fifty quid for it — straight up? (inf)ich habe fünfzig Pfund dafür gekriegtecht? (inf)
(Theat) play, producekonventionell
(= straight part) (on race track) → Gerade f; (on road, Rail) → gerade Strecke; the final straightdie Zielgerade; in the straightauf der Geraden; the straight and narrowder Pfad der Tugend; to keep somebody on the straight and narrowdafür sorgen, dass jd ehrlich bleibt or nicht auf die schiefe Bahn gerät; to stay on or keep to the straight and narrowauf dem Pfad der Tugend bleiben
(= straight line)Gerade f; to cut something on the straightetw gerade (ab)schneiden; clothetw am Faden(lauf) entlang schneiden
(inf: = heterosexual) → Hetero m (inf)


straight angle
ngestreckter Winkel, Winkel mvon 180°
straight arrow
n (US inf fig) → grundanständiger Kerl
straightaway (US)
nGerade f; (on road, Rail) → gerade Strecke
adv = straight ADV c
straight edge
nLineal nt


advohne die Miene zu verziehen
adj to be straightkeine Miene verziehen
straight flush
n (Cards) → Straightflush m
adj (= honest) personaufrichtig; explanation, look alsooffen, freimütig; (= simple) question, problem, situation, choiceeinfach; processunkompliziert; instructionseinfach, verständlich; I’m a straight soldierich bin ein einfacher Soldat
adv answeroffen, freimütig; behaveaufrichtig; everything went straightalles verlief nach Plan
n (= frankness, of person) → Aufrichtigkeit f; (of explanation, look also)Offenheit f, → Freimütigkeit f; (= simplicity: of question, problem, situation, choice) → Einfachheit f; (of process)Unkompliziertheit f; (of instructions)Einfachheit f, → Verständlichkeit f
adj remark etcunverblümt
straight man
n (Theat) Stichwortgeber für einen Komiker
adj (esp US inf) resentment, threatunverblümt (inf), → offen; opposition alsokompromisslos; refusal, murderglatt (inf); he’s a straight Democrater ist durch und durch Demokrat
adv (inf)unverblümt (inf), → rundheraus
straight run
n (Cards) → Sequenz f
adv (liter)sogleich (liter)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (gen) → diritto/a; (hair) → liscio/a (Geom) → retto/a; (posture) → eretto/a
the picture isn't straight → il quadro non è diritto
to be (all) straight (tidy) → essere a posto, essere sistemato/a (clarified) → essere chiaro/a
let's get this straight → mettiamo le cose in chiaro
to put straight (picture) → raddrizzare (hat, tie) → aggiustare (house, room, accounts) → mettere in ordine
to put things or matters straight → chiarire le cose
he soon put me straight → mi ha corretto immediatamente
I couldn't keep a straight face, I couldn't keep my face straight → non riuscivo a stare serio
b. (continuous, direct) → diritto/a
ten straight wins → dieci vittorie di fila
c. (honest, frank, person) → onesto/a; (answer) → franco/a; (denial) → netto/a
straight speaking, straight talking → franchezza
I'll be straight with you → sarò franco con te
d. (plain, uncomplicated) → semplice; (drink) → liscio/a (Theatre) (part, play) → serio/a; (person, conventional) → normale; (heterosexual) → etero inv
2. adv
a. (in a straight line, gen) → dritto
to go straight up/down → andare dritto su/giù
it's straight across the road from us → è proprio di fronte a noi
straight ahead → avanti dritto
to go straight on → andare dritto
to go straight (fig) → rigare dritto
b. (directly, without diversion) → direttamente, diritto
I went straight home → sono andato direttamente a casa
to come straight to the point → venire al sodo
c. (immediately) → subito, immediatamente
straight away, straight off → subito
d. (frankly) → chiaramente, francamente
straight out → chiaro e tondo
3. n (on racecourse) → dirittura d'arrivo (Rail) → rettilineo
to cut sth on the straight → tagliare qc in drittofilo
to keep to the straight and narrow (fig) → seguire la retta via
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(streit) adjective
1. not bent or curved. a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.
2. (of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct. Give me a straight answer!
3. properly or levelly positioned. Your tie isn't straight.
4. correct and tidy. I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!
5. (of drinks) not mixed. a straight gin.
6. (of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing. You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.
7. (of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type – not a musical or variety show.
1. in a straight, not curved, line; directly. His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.
2. immediately, without any delay. He went straight home after the meeting.
3. honestly or fairly. You're not playing (= behaving) straight.
the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse. He's in the final straight.
ˈstraighten verb
to make or become straight. He straightened his tie; The road curved and then straightened.
ˈstraightness noun
straightˈforward adjective
1. without difficulties or complications; simple. a straightforward task.
2. (of a person, his manner etc) frank and honest. a nice straightforward boy.
straightˈforwardly adverb
straightˈforwardness noun
straight talking
frank discussion.
go straight
(of a former criminal) to lead an honest life.
straight away
immediately. Do it straight away!
straighten out/up
Their house is where the lane straightens out; He was bending over his work, but straightened up when he saw me; She straightened the room up; He's trying to straighten out the facts.
a straight fight
an election contest involving only two candidates.
straight off
straight away.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُسْتَقيم rovný lige gerade ευθύς recto suora droit ravan dritto まっすぐな 똑바른 recht rett prosty reto прямой rak ตรง doğru thẳng 直的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. derecho-a, recto-a; estirado-a, erguido-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj recto, derecho
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Imagine a vast sheet of paper on which straight Lines, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons, and other figures, instead of remaining fixed in their places, move freely about, on or in the surface, but without the power of rising above or sinking below it, very much like shadows -- only hard and with luminous edges -- and you will then have a pretty correct notion of my country and countrymen.
gushes straight out from under the mountain in a torrent.
It is far more becoming to go straight forward." The young Crab replied: "Quite true, dear Mother; and if you will show me the straight way, I will promise to walk in it." The Mother tried in vain, and submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child.
'What do you think--shall we go through Karamyshevo or by the straight road?' asked Vasili Andreevich.
A sentinel at each end of the bridge stood with his rifle in the position known as "support," that is to say, vertical in front of the left shoulder, the hammer resting on the forearm thrown straight across the chest -- a formal and unnatural position, enforcing an erect carriage of the body.
Meanwhile the wolf ran straight to the grandmother's house and knocked at the door.
Why, it was astonishing, the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off, and my troubles all gone.
I was abreast him in a moment and, passing him, walked straight toward the two beasts.
BUT Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr.
But while he wondered, he shot in a straight left, the weight of his body behind the blow.
I recollect in short that, though I was deeply interested in my author, I found myself, at the turn of a page and with his spell all scattered, looking straight up from him and hard at the door of my room.
They steered as straight as human hand could guide a tiller, for Fentolin's light!