heterosexual person

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Noun1.heterosexual person - a heterosexual personheterosexual person - a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
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References in periodicals archive ?
"The issue is that the vast majority of Costa Ricans, who don't favor gay marriage or adoption by same-sex persons, see very clear and specific values and principles represented in us," he said, adding that in a situation where two persons "with similar criteria and capabilities" were competing for the same job, they'd "possibly choose" the heterosexual person.
Don't attach a label to a person and assume his or her needs will be different from a heterosexual person. We can't make that assumption."
They don't want to be seen as "the gay" but as a person; the way a heterosexual person is allowed to be a person.
"YouGov polling shows almost half of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain expect to be treated worse than a heterosexual person by an adoption agency if they want to adopt."
She told the court she believed if a heterosexual person had ordered a cake with graphics promoting "heterosexual marriage" or simply "marriage", the order would have been fulfilled.
And, honestly, I don't want people to see me as a 'heterosexual person before they see me.
Does loving a heterosexual person belie forgiving, if not joining, the perpetrators of homophobia?
During four days of evidence, Mr Reaney's legal team argued that a heterosexual person would not have been subject to the same level of "intrusive questioning" as he was.
But Fry, 50, added that no one tells a gay actor who plays a heterosexual person: "'How brave of you to kiss that woman, that must have been very difficult for you'."
Mr Reaney's legal team argued a heterosexual person would not have been subject to the same level of "intrusive questioning" as he was.
During four days of evidence, Mr Reaney's legal team, in a claim backed and financed by gay lobby group Stonewall, argued that a heterosexual person would not have been subject to the same level of "intrusive questioning" as he was.
I'm looking for brains and experience." In everyday society we do not dwell on a heterosexual person's bedroom habits.