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Adj.1.silvery-blue - of something having a color that is a light shiny blue
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
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The Bulgarian-born artist, famous for wrapping the Reichstag in Berlin along with his late wife Jeanne-Claude, will cover the massive monument with 25,000 meters of silvery-blue recyclable material.
These ugly, wingless, torpedoshaped insects are characterised by a silvery-blue colour, tiny scales and three bristles at the end of their abdomen.
Plants with silvery-blue foliage quickly grow up to 12 inches tall and spread 5 to 6 feet wide.
5a Body long, >3 body depths into standard length; body mainly silvery-blue in color; 12 dorsal spines, 27-31 lateral line pores: Azurina hirundo
Look out for silvery-blue threads of cloud in the north.
The preserve's most famous resident is the endangered Karner blue butterfly, a small silvery-blue insect dependent on the wild blue lupine that grows only in dry, sandy clearings.
VIVID silvery-blue leaves, which look good all year round, make Festuca Elijah Blue a popular choice for pots and borders.
Iceland unilaterally raised its fishing quota for the silvery-blue fish to allow its fishermen to catch 130,000 tonnes, compared to a traditional catch that the EU estimates at 2,000 tonnes.
In the middle of a shimmering, silvery-blue lake was an extraordinary island of 47 craters and 35 volcanic cones.
It has a bony skeleton and is covered with silvery-blue bony scales that serve as protection.