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Adj.1.prongy - resembling a forkprongy - resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches; "the biramous appendages of an arthropod"; "long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects"; "a forked river"; "a forked tail"; "forked lightning"; "horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots"
divided - separated into parts or pieces; "opinions are divided"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Asked about his bad habits, she said, "He picks his toes with a long prongy thing."
IN the past, Swiss Army knives had blades, corkscrews, tin-openers and a strange prongy bit for taking stones out of horses' hooves.The latest model now has a 64MBUSB storage stick which our computer wallah tells us plugs into laptops and stores data.
Asked about his bad habits, she said: "He picks his toes with one of those long prongy things.